1. Summary of the article:
This minimum 300 word summary shows that you understood the article, this is not the same as an abstract of the article. Provide a brief overview of what the article was trying to do.
2. Critical Evaluation of the Article
In this minimum 300 word critical evaluation of the article, you might address the article’s problem, methods, or findings, or all of these, offering specific support from the text itself (using paraphrase or direct quote and indicating the page number) for your observations.
3. Your Opinion of the Article
In this minimum 300 word component, include:
-Did you agree with the thesis or believe the findings?
-If everything was logical, clear, and well-ordered, yet you remain skeptical, how would you explain that?
4. Article Contributions
In this minimum 100 word final component, state your estimation of the article’s contribution to knowledge and its implications or applications to the public safety environment.