Former GDR, many birthplaces of novelists and poets, still celebrated in today’s everyday
in those cities (e.g., Neuruppin and Rheinsberg in Brandenburg)
• Publicly available data from Germany, own data collection
• Publicly available data from Germany, own data collection
Related literature
• Fetzer and Gold (2019)
• Fetzer and Gold (2019)
Consider these factors.
Regression analysis in Stata should be done and it is main part of the paper, paper should be
written based on those analysis and regression should be done with country fixed effects.
Formatting guidelines
• Original research paper of 10-12 pages
• The number of pages is excluding title page, list of references, tables, and figures
• All tables and figures should be in the Appendix
• The title page should include a short abstract (around 100 words)
• Formatting: font size 12pt, spacing one and a half, all margins about 3cm
(Latex: e.g., \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article};
(Latex: e.g., \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article};
I have uploaded example paper but in a different topic, also regarding this topic I have lots of
data if you need I can send them too.