I would need help with further writing and continuing the dissertation topic. I have already started the beginning of it and I received a feedback stating:
I need to go into more details about e-commerce and its meaning. I would need to specify what is e-commerce and how social media and online sells are used and how it affects traditional street-side businesses.
Please take the feedback into consideration.
You are welcome to edit the first part of my research so that you can combine it with the second part.
I have added the brief and you will find there the word count and how it is divided: Basically, I would need someone to rewrite the Methodology and write the Results after that.
Introduction and Literature Overview can be left as it is. But please have a read through so that my paper has a consistency of work.
Introduction and Literature Overview can be left as it is. But please have a read through so that my paper has a consistency of work.