Read the following fact sheets that explain DEI in healthcare and how one healthcare provider promotes DEI within the organization*1hwymwa*_ga*MTE2MjAyMTc1MC4xNzA1Nzg4MDAw*_ga_PF30M1FV81*MTcwNjAxNTA2My4xMDAuMS4xNzA2MDE1Mzk3LjAuMC4w
use the information on DEI and cultural competence in the resources provided and answer the following questions
- Based on your understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, describe a situation or experience that you have witnessed in a healthcare setting that relates to how diversity, equity, or inclusion impact patient care or the healthcare workforce positively or negatively.
- How did the healthcare professional or the organization demonstrate DEI or cultural competence? What could have been done differently?