A PROPOSAL for a Literature Review Project
NOTE: this is not a literature review just yet. This is simply your topic proposal. Google is filled with tips and examples that will aid you in clarification if needed. However, please be sure to follow the instructions below for your assignment submission
The final project of this course is a literature review paper. This assignment and assignment II will prepare you for the final paper. These assignments will also lead you through the process of writing the literature review.
Your Topic of Investigation:
The general topic you will investigate and explore is Viral video advertising: Factors motivating or inhibiting passing along (sharing) of viral video advertising
While this topic is broad, it is recommended to think about (and explore) specific phenomena related to viral advertising. Following are a few examples:
-Content characteristics that enhance passing along (sharing) advertising (for example advertising appeals; creative strategies)
-Issues of credibility (sender trust/advertiser credibility/platform credibility and trust/endorser) and viral advertising
-Personality characteristics of people that contribute to, or inhibit advertising virality (sharing/passing-along behavior). Which consumers are more likely to pass along ads and why?
For example, opinion leadership as an individual trait can motivate advertising sharing behavior.
-Factors that are moderators (increase or decrease) of passing-along advertising
Your paper should include the following:
- A conceptual definition of viral advertising…
- A discussion of how widespread viral advertising is in today’s marketplace…
- A discussion about why viral advertising is important in the marketing communication context…
- A very brief overview about the possible general factors that motivate passing along ads (sharing). This general overview should be based on a review of some of the extant literature/research about viral advertising.
Up until this point, you are setting up the context of your topic.
Lastly, you will…
5. Present your specific topic within the general subject of viral advertising. In other words, discuss your specific area/topic of focus. Make sure you narrow it down as much as possible as shown in the above examples (viral advertising is a very wide topic and it is impossible to explore it in one study).
- Length and format: A Word doc (NOT a PDF), 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font size, including a short reference list. That’s 2-3 pages INCLUDING a short reference list.
- Additionally, do not forget to cite your sources within the text using APA style.