student is asked to use web/research-based material and library resources to present a maximum 1,500-word research project (in the form of a Report)
Discuss the influence of transnational corporations (TNCs) on the European Union’s economy and outline the ways in which EU policies have been adapted to reflect the strategic designs of these TNCs?
The Project will be marked on the quality of the material produced and the presentation of the project; use of the variety of resources regarding governmental material, international financial institutions, and development agencies; methodology as research based and innovative; the use of digital communication, government policy papers, newspapers, etc., as well as key texts could be included; presentation; the scope of the information produced; the understanding of the selected regions; and the ability to process diverse sources into research analysis. Graphical and illustrator material (graphs, charts, etc.) should be used to enhance the study. All material used must be fully and properly referenced. The project will be marked on the basis of: the quality of the research; grasp of the subject; evidence of analysis; structure; presentation; knowledge of the topic; and originality in dealing with the subject matter