1) How does Octavia Butler depict race and race relations? In what ways, and to what extent, does Dana work against the sociocultural conditions of the past?

1) How does Octavia Butler depict race and race relations? In what ways, and to what extent, does Dana work against the sociocultural conditions of the past?

your essay must remain focused on the work under study. Your essay must incorporate textual support from at least TWO sources (support from the primary text AND one scholarly source). While you are free to include additional sources, your essay should balance analysis and support.

Your essay must present a compelling, coherent, and specific thesis that is consistently and thoroughly developed. I hope that you will see this as an opportunity to exhibit creativity and critical thinking. Your essay must support assertions with relevant examples from the texts. Summarizing the readings or relying on personal reaction will result in a lowered score or a grade of zero. Your essay should not offer plot summary but should instead present a debatable assertion that is situated in the introduction and supported throughout the essay. Failure to meet the minimum word count and/or incorporate the required number and type of sources will result in a significant grade reduction. Your work will be graded on the quality of your ideas as well as your writing. Criteria for grading include completeness, thoughtfulness, and development and support of a particular argument.

Works Cited entries do not count towards the minimum word count. Per the plagiarism policy, you must cite ideas that are not your own. Your essay must include proper MLA in-text citations, proper formatting, and a Works Cited page. Your work must be submitted to the proper Assignment folder by the respective deadline. Work must be submitted in .doc, .docx, or PDF format. Work submitted in alternate formats will be considered late (and lose one letter grade per 24-hour period) until resubmitted in the proper format.

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