Indigenous Education and Perspectives Assignment 3: Portfolio (Australian curriculum)

as an understanding to this paper will be based on the Australian curriculum which i have provided many links for and it is on indigenous studies which content is above if you need anything further happy to supply.

Please read everything some stuff double up but are from multiple support sessions and will support 

the overall text.

The purpose of this assignment is to extend and build your professional resources by drawing on your learning about Indigenous culture, history, education and perspectives. A portfolio is a demonstration of your professional growth and improvement as a teacher as well as a useful place to store and curate ideas, examples and a place for reflection.

You will have an opportunity to plan authentic learning experiences, putting into practice your learnings from this unit and creating something you can share with your future students to help them learn about Indigenous people and perspectives. You can use this portfolio to demonstrate that you have met the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers:

  • 1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students:
    • Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of the impact of culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.
  • 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians:
    • Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.

Develop a portfolio based on the learning from this unit that supports your work as a graduate teacher. Your portfolio should comprise the following.

Two lesson plans using the template provided

You must develop one plan for early childhood education and one plan for primary school using the Lesson plan template (DOC 22 KB) Download Lesson plan template (DOC 22 KB) document. Your lesson plans must reference the relevant national and/or state or territory curriculum and focus on the following:

Lesson plans
Age group Focus of lesson Word count

Early childhood education

An outline/plan of an authentic learning experience for prior to school-age children. This plan must clearly focus on the concept of Identity and Culture. 800 words

Primary school

An outline/plan of an authentic learning experience for Primary school-age children. This plan must clearly focus on the concepts of Respect and Reconciliation. 800 words
Lesson plans (2021) created by Swinburne Online

Irrespective of which Bachelor of Education program you are enrolled in (Primary or Early Childhood), being able to demonstrate your ability to plan authentic learning experiences for both cohorts is a necessary part of your teacher education.

Preparing your assignment

You will prepare your assignment as a Word document, which must include:

  1. Two lesson plans using the template provided.
  2. A reference list in which you cite all sources of information you used for all components according to APA 7th edition referencing conventions. Your reference list must start on a new page. Do not use bullet or numbered points in your reference list, and ensure it is ordered alphabetically.
Supportive URLs

Assessment 3 Lesson Plans

  • Before starting your Assignment  please watch the Flipped Collaborate and attend/watch the Live Collaborate. Take down notes as you go! You will find both of these in the padlet above.
  • Attend/watch the Q&A Collaborates if you have any questions  to be answered.  
  • There is an exemplar of a lesson plan above, make sure to review it so you can see what is required for each section of the lesson plan.

You are required to create two lesson plans.


The first lesson plan is for an authentic learning experience for prior-to-school age children (800 words).  

This plan must clearly focus on the concept of Identity and Culture.  

It is crucial that your lesson plan uses this theme in order to pass the rubric. 

The theme is broad, but if you are unsure if your idea fits this theme ask your ELA on the discussion board.


The second lesson plan is for an authentic learning experience for primary school-age children (800 words).  

This plan must clearly focus on the concepts of Respect and Reconciliation.  

Again this is a broad theme but make sure your idea fits this concept. 

You may pick any age group for this lesson plan.  Make sure your ideas are age appropriate. Check with your ELA if you are unsure about this.

You must use the designated SOL lesson plan template.   Learning plan template (DOC 35.5 KB)  


The key to good lesson plans it to use relevant high-quality resources. This could be in the form of a book, a YouTube clip, a game, art activity, creative writing exercise, watching a film and responding, a research/investigation project, or language immersion project, use your imagination and get creative, this is where we see all your learning coming together. 

Remember to avoid tokenistic lesson plans, make sure your lessons are authentic and make use of local knowledge and content.  For example, if you live in Melbourne it would be great to concentrate on local games/languages/books, it would not be recommended to learn languages from the NT.  You can always post your idea on the discussion board or e-mail your ELA directly for feedback.

Check out the padlet above for some lesson ideas. 

There are many websites out there that have some ideas you can adapt and use.  Here is some links to websites with excellent resources, also refer to week 8’s post for more links. to an external site. to an external site. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) to an external site. to an external site.

Make sure to add a photo of the resources you are using and add where you got the resource from.  




Remember to also embed Indigenous ways of learning into your lesson.  This means looking at the different ways in which Indigenous students learn and try to add in some of these techniques into your lesson plan.  This could be a Yarning Circle or linking your learning to local country and place.  Make sure to have a good look at the 8 ways framework (more info in week 8) for examples of different ways of presenting and engaging with learning materials and your students.  Check this clip for more info.

For those of you in Victoria check out the Possum Skin Pedagogy for further ideas for early learning.–a-guide-for-early-childhood-practitioners–journeys-and-outcomes.pdf

Indigenous Organising ideas

For each cross-curriculum priority, a set of organising ideas reflects the essential knowledge, understandings, and skills for the priority. The organising ideas are embedded in the content descriptions and elaborations of each learning area as appropriate.

You can also link your lesson to one of these organising ideas in your rationale. to an external site.

Can non-Indigenous people do Aboriginal art?

The short answer to this one, is no, you can’t.

Many artists and art critics believe that all art is derivative – that it is it builds on or is copied from another source.

When you were in school you may have been asked to do a copy of a famous artwork such as Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers or asked to do a painting in the style of an artist such as Picasso or Matisse.

Art is often built on what previous artists have created.

Aboriginal art is different, because it:

  • is uniquely connected to the country of the artist
  • is often comprised of symbols that are uniquely tied to a particular country or a particular language group’s story
  • often communicates stories – sometime of the Dreaming that only specific people have permission to use.

So how can we encourage children to appreciate Aboriginal art if they are not able to reproduce it? And surely it is ok to teach Aboriginal techniques such as the dot painting that originated from Papunya near Alice Springs?

The answer is there are many ways to explore and appreciate Aboriginal art without giving children cotton buds and ochre coloured paint.

You could: 

  • engage an Aboriginal person to guide you in your exploration of Aboriginal culture and art. Someone knowledgeable about their culture can teach children what they know. This may include creating art using different techniques.
  • explore the work of Aboriginal artists with your children. What is different between a traditional dot painting from Emily Kane Kngwarreye or the leaves of Gloria Petyarre or the bright colours used by Bronwyn Bancroft?
  • learn about the colour palettes used by different Aboriginal artists and their connection with the colours of the country they were created on.
  • explore the history of Aboriginal art. Did you know that despite thousands of years of Aboriginal Art that exist in things like rock paintings, body painting and bark painting that it was only in the 1970s that these stories were first recorded on canvases using acrylic and oil paints? 
  • research how dot painting may have evolved to hide sacred stories and message contained in painting?
  • explore the symbols used in Aboriginal art. Did you know that the U shape comes from the marks on sandy ground when a person sits cross legged? How did the different animal tracks become symbols in Aboriginal Art? How is a journey represented?
  1. Creation of one early childhood lesson plan, which includes authentic learning experiences that enable all children to learn about Indigenous peoples, cultures and perspectives.
  2. Creation of one primary school lesson plan, which includes authentic learning experiences that enable all children to learn about Indigenous peoples, cultures and perspectives.
  3. Composition of your portfolio including referencing.

Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:

Assignment 3 marking guide
Criteria No Pass Pass
High Distinction

Creation of one early childhood lesson plan, which includes authentic learning experiences that enable all children to learn about Indigenous peoples and perspectives.


Did not meet criterion. Lesson plan is brief and does not demonstrate a clear understanding of all components. Reference has been made to appropriate curriculum and/or resources. Rationale shows some understanding of planning authentic learning opportunities.

As per Pass and:

All aspects of the lesson plan are included and lesson composition flows clearly from one section to the next. Lesson plan example is age appropriate and linked to relevant curriculum(s). Examples provided demonstrate authentic learning experiences for children in the early years.

As per Credit and:

A clear rationale and sound pedagogical understanding has been demonstrated. Pedagogical decisions have been justified with supporting literature. Specific and accurate links to curriculum documentation and a range of resources have been included.

As per Distinction and:

Demonstrates a high level of pedagogical understanding of the essential concepts of teaching and learning with Indigenous perspectives in early childhood education. Learning experiences provide authentic and engaging opportunities for all children to learn about Indigenous people, culture, history and perspectives.

Creation of one primary school lesson plan, which includes authentic learning experiences that enable all children to learn about Indigenous peoples, cultures and perspectives.


Did not meet criterion. Lesson plan is brief and does not demonstrate a clear understanding of all components. Reference has been made to appropriate curriculum and/or resources. Rationale shows some understanding of planning authentic learning opportunities.

As per Pass and:

All aspects of the lesson plan are included and lesson composition flows clearly from one section to the next. Lesson plan example is age appropriate and linked to relevant curriculum(s). Examples provided demonstrate authentic learning experiences for children in primary school.

As per Credit and:

A clear rationale and sound pedagogical understanding has been demonstrated. Pedagogical decisions have been justified with supporting literature. Specific and accurate links to curriculum documentation and a range of resources have been included.

As per Distinction and:

Demonstrates a high level of pedagogical understanding of the essential concepts of teaching and learning with Indigenous perspectives in primary education. Learning experiences provide authentic and engaging opportunities for all children to learn about Indigenous people, culture, history and perspectives.

Composition of your folio including referencing.


Did not meet criterion.

Contains some extraneous information and/or repetition that reduces the clarity of the discussion. Minimum requirements are met for spelling, grammar and expression.

As per Pass and:

Contains little by way of excess information or repetition and is generally clear in both purpose and execution. Some errors in spelling, grammar and expression, and/or APA referencing.

As per Credit and:

Portfolio is clear, well-structured, and easy to read. Minimal errors in professional standard for spelling, grammar and expression, and/or APA referencing that do not detract from the overall meaning of the writing.

As per Distinction and:

Relationships between concepts are clearly explicated and easy to follow. Professional standard for academic expression and APA referencing.

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