my dissertation is based on secondary research with literature review. I have already done my dissertation proposal which I will attach below as well as the module handbook ( please focus on the 90% dissertation and NOT the 10%proposal )I will need the writer to send me drafts when I ask you so I can show my supervisor the progress of my dissertation.
Between 7,000 and 8,500 words (not including appendix and references).
Assignment Dissertation type
You are advised to use the following format for your dissertation.
1. Titlepage
2. Abstract
3. Acknowledgements
4. ContentsPage
5. Chapter1:Introduction
6. Chapter2:LiteratureReview
7. Chapter3:Methodology
8. Chapter4:Analysis
9. Chapter5:Discussion/Conclusion
10. References
11. Appendices
Assessed learning
1. Evaluate competing key theories and concepts along with contemporary debates underpinning the chosen area of study.
2. Assess the relationship between sociological or criminological theory and research, policy and practice.
3. Demonstrate ethical concerns that may arise when planning, conducting and disseminating primary and/or secondary research.
4. Analyse methodological approaches to address and explore an area of debate in sociology or criminology.
5. Carry out systematic searching, organisation, handling, critical selection, analysis and synthesis of a wide variety of different data and information sources.
6. Critically review and evaluate arguments evident in academic literature and/or alternative sources of evidence pertaining to the chosen topic of study.
8. Articulateresearchquestions,selectandjustifythechoiceof research methodology and methods appropriate to conduct such inquiry/analyse secondary sources.
9. Completeofficialuniversityformstoreceiveethicalapprovaland design appropriate supporting documents if needed to conduct an ethical research project.