Paper Assignment: Visual analysis of an artwork with a thesis focusSelect an image of a work in your text from one of the periods we have discussed inclass, or one we will be examining later in the quarter (see your syllabus). The workdoes not have to be one I have shown in class. Do not select a work earlier than 1900.Write a minimum of 4 pages of text on the work, focusing on the following:1) Begin with a thesis paragraph, and State your thesis in terms of an argument.This is key to the success of your paper (as a general rule, paragraphs must be 3 ormore sentences). Begin by telling us the purpose of the paper; mention the artist, titleof the work (which must be underlined or italicized), the date, and the period to whichthe work belongs. Select one area of focus for the thesis of the paper–somethingspecific about the work that you intend to argue (examine, analyze, prove a pointabout). Then, in the following sentences of your thesis statement, cite the purpose andgoal of the paper. After your thesis statement, your visual analysis section shoulddevelop into this focused thesis point.Example Thesis Statement: “This essay will conduct a visual analysis ofWassily Kandinsky’s Composition VII of 1913, a large painting from Kandinsky’sBlue Rider period, and focus on Kandinsky’s use of color, and its connection tospirituality. As with other early 20th century artists, Kandinsky sought a new andexpressive means of engaging color to represent a spiritual content that was free oftraditional naturalism and religious iconography.”The thesis focus is color, and its connection to spirituality. Note that the specificfocus on color contains an explanation of “why,” which is historically verifiable.2) Undertake a concise visual analysis, a careful, detailed description of the work, whichproceeds from form to content. The intention is to give the reader a good visualdescription of the art object. Don’t assume things related to content to be true—you mustcorroborate statements with evidence from scholarly publications. Be specific aboutcomposition—try to avoid generalizations. Define terms! Don’t assume I am the onlyreader, and know what you will be talking about. For example, if you mentionprimitivism, tell the reader what that is.3) Supporting your argument (thesis). Proceed from the visual analysis into a narrativeexamining an aspect of the work (your thesis focus) you found compelling as youconsulted scholarly book sources from the Jen Library or appropriate scholarly digitalarchives, such as JSTOR. Certain internet sources are acceptable, as discussed in class.Focus on this thematic aspect, and use salient quotes or ideas from the sources youconsulted to strengthen your concepts or arguments. You may want to conclude witha couple of remarks about further exploration into your topic.
Form: the paper must be typewritten, contain a title, be in black ink, have one-inchmargins, be double-spaced, in 12-point font, with numbered pages, must contain foot- orendnotes, and a separate-page bibliography of at least 3 Scholarly sources. Include aphotocopy of the work you are writing about after your bibliography at the end of thepaper. Please do not cite Khanacademy, Artstory, Wikipedia, or similar generalized sitesas sources! Proper citation of sources is a must. The paper must use Chicagomanuscript style. I recommend that you consult the Barnet book listed on thesyllabus for further information regarding writing a visual analysis and propercitation form.A word on the use of quotations: do not use quotations to take the place of your ownvisual analyses, or to provide very general information about the artist. And please do nothave quotations stand on their own as sentences! Quotations need to be placed in thecontext of your own narrative.*Your paper is due Thursday February 15, and must be submitted to the first papersubmission portal by the end of the day. Papers shorter than the required length will bemarked down considerably. I don’t accept late papers, unless by prior arrangement.Your paper must contain foot- or end-notes!!! As research is central to the assignment,papers submitted without footnotes will result in a failure.