Discipline: Accounting

how does BP complies with GRI and how incorporates with UN guidance on human rights and UN sustainable development goalshow does BP complies with GRI and how incorporates with UN guidance on human rights and UN sustainable development goals

You are being asked to develop and demonstrate independent research skills – finding the information you need within BP’s reports, starting with BP’s reports (look on their website in the investors’ section, for specifically sustainability reports, look under their sustainability reporting but remember GRI covers the entire annual report), finding out how they align with […]

Methods used to integrate digital transformations into the process of education and development of accounting and auditing professionals.Methods used to integrate digital transformations into the process of education and development of accounting and auditing professionals.

 I need to write a research paper according to the following structure: -Abstract (200 words) -introduction – Literature Review – Methodology – Research Objectives and Activities – Findings and Analysis – Discussion & Conclusions – References – I need professional work such as independent and dependent variables, standard deviation, statistical analyses, etc. – Target companies […]


PERFORMANCE REPORT AND THE BALANCED SCORECARD For this Assignment, you will continue in your role of a consultant to provide information about using accounting information for decision making to a fictional organization so it can better prepare for the future. Last week, you submitted the first of two reports on financial information and budgeting. This […]

2011 acquisition of Autonomy by Hewlett Packard and the 2015 merger of Kraft and Heinz2011 acquisition of Autonomy by Hewlett Packard and the 2015 merger of Kraft and Heinz

With reference to relevant accounting scandals such as the 2011 acquisition of Autonomy by Hewlett Packard and the 2015 merger of Kraft and Heinz etc., identify and critically discuss the main financial accounting issues that should be considered business combinations such as Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A). Please follow intructions! Please include charts too but make […]

Gaithersburg Woman Sentenced to 12 Years in Federal Prison for Fraud Related to a Debt Elimination SchemeGaithersburg Woman Sentenced to 12 Years in Federal Prison for Fraud Related to a Debt Elimination Scheme

Format (10 points) All submissions should have a cover page with the student’s name, course name, and name of submission (for example, Current Events Report #1) The submission should be presented in Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 pitch, and one-inch margins, standard for APA (American Psychological Association) formatting. Paragraphs should be single-spaced, with […]

You are hired as a consultant to prepare an in-depth recommendation for a high-end investor who wants to invest in either The Home Depot, Inc. or Lowe’s Companies, IncYou are hired as a consultant to prepare an in-depth recommendation for a high-end investor who wants to invest in either The Home Depot, Inc. or Lowe’s Companies, Inc

Each page, including the title page, should have a page number (no last name) in the top-right corner and one-inch margins. APA 7 standard for students does not require a running head. Your paper should include the following 12 sections with the headers listed below in bold in the following order.  I have provided additional explanation of […]

This involved financial statements prepared using Indian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS.This involved financial statements prepared using Indian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS.

Compare and Review:  Consolidated Financial Statement  Notes on Consolidated Financial Statements  Form 20-F for 2023 Task:  1. Compare the consolidated statements of financial position (Under IFRS) and the consolidated balance sheet (under Ind SA). Discuss the differences in:  Financial statement format  Valuation of property, plant, and equipment  Valuation of goodwill ❖ Valuation of deferred tax assets […]

Investigative Project Design Two-Part Assignment ABout The case AMP ManufacturingInvestigative Project Design Two-Part Assignment ABout The case AMP Manufacturing

Investigative Project Design Two-Part Assignment Two activities identified in our ACCT 320 classroom relate:  (1) Investigative Project Design                                    100 Possible Points(2) Deterrence Measure Design                                    100 Possible Points Each is a separate activity but interrelates to form a complete analysis. This assignment draws on your overall and detailed learning during this class. You have learned about various types […]

Discuss the implications of traditional accounting measures on marginalised communities and the potential risks associated with inappropriate accountability mechanisms?Discuss the implications of traditional accounting measures on marginalised communities and the potential risks associated with inappropriate accountability mechanisms?

Discuss the implications of traditional accounting measures on marginalised communities and the potential risks associated with inappropriate accountability mechanisms? How might a broader understanding of accounting and accountability contribute to addressing power imbalances, social justice, and issues of inequality?  Your essay should be based on the content of Week 1-4 lectures and workshops, and your […]