Discipline: Agriculture

Slideshow Presentation on Measurement of food insecurity and the transition to hunger in the United States.Slideshow Presentation on Measurement of food insecurity and the transition to hunger in the United States.

Create a slideshow presentation on how does one measure food insecurity, and at what point does it switch over to hunger?  Specifics: What sort of polls are taken to identify this, and how often are they checked? Explanation of the significance of understanding food insecurity and hunger transition. Overview of the research question and its importance in […]

Literature Review (What is the comparative effectiveness of wide spacing crops compared to shade netting, location assessment, and irrigation preservation in enhancing the profitability of California’s grape industry amid rising temperatures and drought?)Literature Review (What is the comparative effectiveness of wide spacing crops compared to shade netting, location assessment, and irrigation preservation in enhancing the profitability of California’s grape industry amid rising temperatures and drought?)

I am looking for someone to write my research paper based on the research question written in the title. The entire paper is supposed to be 4,000-5,000 words. The research paper must follow a specific format, as follows: 1. Abstract: Short and to the point About 100 words 2. Introduction Include a large subsection on […]

How do we create a food system that aligns itself with “donut” principles: it doesn’t overshoot beyond the ecological ceiling but provides healthy and nutritious foods in an equitable manner?How do we create a food system that aligns itself with “donut” principles: it doesn’t overshoot beyond the ecological ceiling but provides healthy and nutritious foods in an equitable manner?

Assignment III. Looking toward the future (25 points: 10 outline; 15 final draft); The outline was centered on 1. Specificity of evidence 2. Engaging in an academic discussion PROMPT: How do we create a food system that aligns itself with “donut” principles: it doesn’t overshoot beyond the ecological ceiling but provides healthy and nutritious foods […]

The impact of air pollution(s) on the health of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.The impact of air pollution(s) on the health of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Introduction A. Definition of air pollution B. Overview of its impact on human health II. Respiratory system A. Effects of air pollution on the respiratory system B. Irritation of the lungs and throat C. Exacerbation of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis D. Development of chronic respiratory diseases E. Studies linking air pollution to […]

Literature review focusing on sheep, discuss how the animal is housed, fed and marketed within the Caribbean.Literature review focusing on sheep, discuss how the animal is housed, fed and marketed within the Caribbean.

Compose a  literature review focusing on sheep, discuss how the animal is housed, fed and marketed within the Caribbean. You will need to gather and analyze relevant articles that discuss various aspects of the topic of your choice and write a literature review according to the Submission Guidelines below. Objectives: – To understand the scale […]

major roles of the International Organization of Epizootics (OIE) and the appropriate affiliated CARICOM organizationmajor roles of the International Organization of Epizootics (OIE) and the appropriate affiliated CARICOM organization

Briefly discuss the major roles of the International Organization of Epizootics (OIE) and the appropriate affiliated CARICOM organization in regulating international food safety and agricultural health, using appropriate examples. I believe for the caribbean, mainly Trinidad and Tobago the affiliated organization would be The Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA).

Critique a recent article (2019 to present) on any modern technology that has been introduced to improve food safety of the end product during fish processing.Critique a recent article (2019 to present) on any modern technology that has been introduced to improve food safety of the end product during fish processing.

Please critique a recent article (2019 to present) on any modern technology that has been introduced to improve food safety of the end product during fish processing. Please use Chiacgo 17th author-date style. Word limit: 1200 words; Font: Times New Roman, 12pt.You can justify the paragraphs.  I attached an article, I’m thinking this can be used. If […]

Create a google slide presentation. which includes but is not limited to: Machinery required for fertilizer application methods C. Application methods which are best for certain cropsCreate a google slide presentation. which includes but is not limited to: Machinery required for fertilizer application methods C. Application methods which are best for certain crops

Create a google slide presentation. which includes but is not limited to:  A. Methods used to apply organic and inorganic fertilizers  B. Machinery required for fertilizer application methods  C. Application methods that are best for certain crops 2. Be sure to cite any sources used.

Respond to question 1 on the 2011 AP Language and Composition Exam – 06.11 AP Practice Essay EightRespond to question 1 on the 2011 AP Language and Composition Exam – 06.11 AP Practice Essay Eight

Your Assignment Respond toquestion 1 on the 2011 AP Language and Composition Exam. Note: In order to prepare for the time constraints of the AP Language and Composition Exam, allow yourself 15 minutes to read the prompt and accompanying sources, and then allow yourself no more than 40 minutes to write your response. The locavore […]

Nestlé’s global supply chain and its market power in the food and beverage industryNestlé’s global supply chain and its market power in the food and beverage industry

A brief introduction to the topic: innovation, organization, or region. For projectsanalyzing an innovation, explain what it is as well as its evolution, utilization, con-straints, economic impact, and potential. For projects analyzing an organization,discuss the key product(s) of that organization and its relevance to the broadereconomy. For projects analyzing a region, you should focus on […]