Discipline: American history

Slavery in Indian Country : The Changing Face of Captivity in Early America by Christina Snyder ReviewSlavery in Indian Country : The Changing Face of Captivity in Early America by Christina Snyder Review

When you write your review, you should seek to provide information essential for any competent review (see below), but you should also write your review in a fashion that makes the reader remember it.  Like any other writing, the best reviews are those that demonstrate that the author thought carefully about organization, style, and argument, […]

History paper about The root causes of the American Revolution include a lack of representation in the British Parliament, especially regarding the levying of taxes on the American population. WriteHistory paper about The root causes of the American Revolution include a lack of representation in the British Parliament, especially regarding the levying of taxes on the American population. Write

I need a two-page paper (roughly 1,000 words) with specific examples in the paper that goes with the prompt: The root causes of the American Revolution include a lack of representation in the British Parliament, especially regarding the levying of taxes on the American population. Write an essay describing this debate, using examples from class. […]

How does social media shape discussions, public perceptions, and the spread of misinformation in a contemporary society?How does social media shape discussions, public perceptions, and the spread of misinformation in a contemporary society?

This is a Gordon Rule (GR) class, which means that each student is required to complete a written assignment. You must write and pass this paper / essay in order to pass this class. There are specific requirements which must be met for the satisfactory completion of the Gordon Rule assignment / essay: 1. The […]

Political campaigns are an important part of this electoral process. Do campaigns help or hurt democratic governancePolitical campaigns are an important part of this electoral process. Do campaigns help or hurt democratic governance

Prompt 2:A key theme of this course is the connections that exist between the governmentand the people. Central to these connections are free and fair elections – the abilityof citizens to contest public offices, debate ideas, communicate their opinions,select their representatives. Political campaigns are an important part of thiselectoral process. Do campaigns help or hurt […]

ENV HIS OF US: Primary Sources: The effect World War 2 had on suburban urbanization in the U.S.ENV HIS OF US: Primary Sources: The effect World War 2 had on suburban urbanization in the U.S.

This assignment asks to locate and interpret primary sources using the Chronicling America database located at http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/ Provide an annotated list of five (5) different newspaper articles about my topic in environmental history. The goal is to give you experience working with primary sources.   Provide 2-3 sentences describing each article. Please also provide the title of […]

Historical essay on the evolution and debates of the word “freedom” in American political and social life.Historical essay on the evolution and debates of the word “freedom” in American political and social life.

Using the Foner textbook, construct an essay of no more than 1,000 words on the evolution and debates of the word “freedom” in American political and social life. You must include the following topics, and cover every period covered during the course Important individuals or organizations that advocated for particular ideas of “Freedom” Important legislation, […]

Discussion Thread: Founder’s Intent for the Protection of Religion and MoralityDiscussion Thread: Founder’s Intent for the Protection of Religion and Morality

The discussion assignments in this course are meant to be collaborative learning experiences that foster a spirit of community and collegiality, but you must also view these as academic assignments with formal requirements. The discussions in this course will expand your Christian worldview as it relates to the American Founding. For these discussions, please adhere […]

Congress or the President to have the greater influence in making Domestic and Foreign policy?Congress or the President to have the greater influence in making Domestic and Foreign policy?

Please write an essay which answers the question of whether it is better for the Congressor the President to have the greater influence in making Domestic and Foreign policy?That is, which of the two elected branches of government do you believe should take thelead when it comes to making important decisions? As part of your […]