Discipline: American history

Did the upper classes and lower classes fight in WWI with the same expectations? Which Americans, if any, benefited from the war?Of the people who protested the war, who were they, what were their reasons, what was the outcome(government&public response)Did the upper classes and lower classes fight in WWI with the same expectations? Which Americans, if any, benefited from the war?Of the people who protested the war, who were they, what were their reasons, what was the outcome(government&public response)

• Your paper should be at least three pages (that means to the very bottom of the third page at minimum). It must be double spaced and typed in 12 point Times New Roman font. • Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from the readings and lectures. Cite YAWP as (YAWP […]

Compose and post a thread of at least 500 words, in which you analyze the views of racial relations and/or racial equality and justiceCompose and post a thread of at least 500 words, in which you analyze the views of racial relations and/or racial equality and justice

Do not simply describe or summarize the content or story of the works. That isn’t what the assignment is seeking. Instead, you need to offer your insights into and opinions of the works’ ideas. Think of your approach as answering these three questions: What is the work saying about the topic? Do you agree or disagree with what […]

was the US Revolutionary war a big change in American society and history – or did things remain the samewas the US Revolutionary war a big change in American society and history – or did things remain the same

Writing Structure must follow Thesis: Counterclaim Claim Reasons Evidence and Reasoning 1 Evidence(How it supports your claim) Evidence and Reasoning 2 Evidence(How it supports your claim) …. Conclusion   QUESTION:   For the following question, please write a strong introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement.  Also, include at least one body paragraph that supports the […]

How significant were the roles played by women in WWII in influencing in the women’s movement in the United States from the 50s – 70s?How significant were the roles played by women in WWII in influencing in the women’s movement in the United States from the 50s – 70s?

Hi, this is part of my Internal Assesment for IB, this part is just analyzing two sources, nothing else! It’s C.O.P.V.L. format – assessing the value and limitations of sources content, origin and purpose. Iv’e added the two sources I used in my paper that I need to use here. Thank you! 1. “The impact […]

the possible correlation between the United States’ counter-terrorism strategies of the 1990s to the 2010s with shifts in domestic immigration policythe possible correlation between the United States’ counter-terrorism strategies of the 1990s to the 2010s with shifts in domestic immigration policy

Please read all of these instructions carefully:Write a short paper (minimum of 3 full pages) examining one of the topics provided below. Use the primary and secondary source readings and videos from Week 3 as your main source materials — do not use outside sources! You must present your own perspective/argument based on the sources […]

Charles H. Keating: responsible for the downfall of multiple savings and loans associations during the early 1990s.Charles H. Keating: responsible for the downfall of multiple savings and loans associations during the early 1990s.

prepare a research paper, 7 pages in length, plus cover page and bibliography, about a significant criminal investigation that took place in the United States. Your report must explain the When, Where, Who, What, How & Why of the crime and ensuing investigation. In addition, you must place this event in context with history, e.g., […]

In several places in Racism and the Making of Gay Rights, Laurie Marhoefer concludes that because of his racism (and despite his important work advocating for gay rights), Magnus Hirschfeld “does not make a very good gay hero.In several places in Racism and the Making of Gay Rights, Laurie Marhoefer concludes that because of his racism (and despite his important work advocating for gay rights), Magnus Hirschfeld “does not make a very good gay hero.

Write References from the book. HAS TO BE CHICAGO STYLE. Have at least 2 references on each page for the first 3 pages. Here is the link to the pdf of the book if needed. file:///Users/annaparrott/Downloads/Racism%20and%20the%20Making%20of%20Gay%20Rights_%20A%20Sexologist,%20His%20Student,%20and%20the%20Empire%20of%20Queer%20Love%20–%20Laurie%20Marhoefer%20–%202022%20–%20University%20of%20Toronto%20Press%20–%209781487505813%20–%203e4d16f5aa4d04d148de8d085a40c746%20–%20Anna%E2%80%99s.pdf

Evaluating the Impact of AI-Powered Personalization on Customer Engagement in E-CommerceEvaluating the Impact of AI-Powered Personalization on Customer Engagement in E-Commerce

Gao and Liu (2022) highlighted the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the interactive marketing experience for customers. They emphasized that despite the considerable body of research on AI in interactive marketing, the crucial concept of personalization has been relatively underexplored in both marketing research and practical applications (Leeflang et al., 2014; Heimbach et […]

M5.4 Assignment: Comparative National Security Project – Effects of National Demographics, Economics, and Resources on National SecurityM5.4 Assignment: Comparative National Security Project – Effects of National Demographics, Economics, and Resources on National Security

M5.4 Assignment: Comparative National Security Project – Effects of National Demographics, Economics, and Resources on National Security In this assignment, you will complete an approximately 3-page writing assignment (approximately 750 words, not including any cover or reference pages) on the country that you selected previously. The readings and learning activities in this module introduced you […]

Paul Hollander, From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez: Intellectuals and A Century of Political Hero WorshipPaul Hollander, From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez: Intellectuals and A Century of Political Hero Worship

Book Review #1 Paul Hollander, From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez: Intellectuals and A Century of Political Hero Worship Steps: Read the Preface, Introduction, and Chapters 2-4.  Keep in mind as you begin pre-writing, you will be: * describing in your paper’s Introduction, * summarizing and analyzing in the Body, and * assessing in your […]