Discipline: American history

How did westward expansion contribute to the economic development of the United States?How did westward expansion contribute to the economic development of the United States?

Hey, I have a research paper I put off, and I recently got sick, and now it’s due today. The paper is about, “How did westward expansion contribute to the economic development of the United States?”. The paper is labeled as research, however my professor instructs that we must pick some point and prove it. […]

Progressivism was an attempt to defend and entrench capitalism, while (at least superficially) satisfying the public’s appetite for reform.” How would you defend, explain, or analyze such a statement?Progressivism was an attempt to defend and entrench capitalism, while (at least superficially) satisfying the public’s appetite for reform.” How would you defend, explain, or analyze such a statement?

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions “The Progressive movement has been broadly categorized as a reform impulse designed to check, the power of big business and the lack of opportunity created by wealth concentration. Many thus claim that it was an impulse designed to bring governmental regulation to bear on out-of-control unfettered capitalism. […]

In summary, this is a research paper. It is meant to answer the question, “what was the female experience?”In summary, this is a research paper. It is meant to answer the question, “what was the female experience?”

  Regardless of selection, your papers should contain in-text citations that document sources as well as a comprehensive bibliography at the paper’s end.       INSTRUCTIONS: For your midterm assignment, students will write an essay exploring women’s experiences in early US history from a selected lived experience.   Students may choose one of the following lived experiences to analyze:    An […]

Discussion: First Encounters: European views of Indigenous Americans; Indigenous views of European visitorsDiscussion: First Encounters: European views of Indigenous Americans; Indigenous views of European visitors

Reading for this assignment is attached: Preparation:  After reading the First Encounters Reading Packet spend some time comparing and contrasting the ways First Nations and Hawaiian peoples such as Canassatego, Lili’uokalini, and Pokagon viewed Europeans (located at the end of the packet), as well as the ways Europeans such as Bartolome de las Casas and John Smith viewed the Native Americans.   Task:  Write a 150 to 200 […]

Annotate article ” Marbury v. Madison -The Case of the “Missing” Commissions”Annotate article ” Marbury v. Madison -The Case of the “Missing” Commissions”

For this assignment, you will be using annotate an article to identify primary arguments of the author. Follow the instructions to complete the assignment:  Download Marbury v. Madison– The Case of the “Missing” Commissions [DOCX] by John A. Garraty.  Within the article, you are to annotate the following points of the article:   Thesis statement.  Points used in support of […]

Book Report on “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle AlexanderBook Report on “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander

  Format   Papers should be 5-7 pages (about 1,500 words) long, with additional cover sheet, endnotes, and bibliography.  They should be typed and double-spaced.  Use the Chicago citation style in crafting your review.  Use reasonable margins and type-size.  Bibliographical information for the book should be provided, as follows:   Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, […]

Book review 750 words minimum. Fate of their country: Politicians, Slavery Extension, and the Coming of the Civil War Michael F HoltzBook review 750 words minimum. Fate of their country: Politicians, Slavery Extension, and the Coming of the Civil War Michael F Holtz

U.S. History Book Review Instructions   You have been asked to compose two book reviews in this class. This sort of assignment requires you both to reportthe main arguments and evidence of a book, AND evaluatethe book’s arguments and use of evidence. Your paper should follow the standard requirements of a college-level thesis statement and should be about 750-1000 words long.     Your paper should cover the following elements: first, […]

why the white southern view that slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War is incorrectwhy the white southern view that slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War is incorrect

No outside sources are allowed on this exam and any use of them will result in a zero on the exam.  This exam asks you to explore the causes and consequences of the Civil War through an examination and use of primary sources, lectures and the textbook.  You will respond to the prompt below with a […]

Americans founding fathers inspiration from past medieval times for future national documentsAmericans founding fathers inspiration from past medieval times for future national documents

America’s Founding Fathers took great inspiration from the Medieval and Early Modern British inheritance as they forged the nation’s founding documents—including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  I want you to summarize and discuss this inheritance.  From the Magna Carta, the Petition or Right, the writings of John Locke to […]

Compare Hoover and Roosevelt’s perspectives on government action in response to the Depression using the documents.Compare Hoover and Roosevelt’s perspectives on government action in response to the Depression using the documents.

Answer The following Question: Compare Hoover and Roosevelt’s perspectives on government action in response to the Depression using the documents. Use only these sources:  https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/23-the-great-depression/herbert-hoover-on-the-new-deal-1932/Links to an external site. https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/23-the-great-depression/second-inaugural-address-of-franklin-d-roosevelt-1937/ Instructions: A double spaced two-three page essay formatted with 1 inch margins in 12 point font using the align left setting. Essays must be submitted in PDF or doc […]