For the purposes of this essay, you can use parenthetical citation. Please only use information from within the confines of this class, such as video lectures, the textbook, primary documents, and any other assigned readings.
Discipline: American history
Examine the factors contributing to the rise of Jacksonian democracy, particular in how he appealed to a growing voter base. Also, why did the upper-class political elites fear Jackson’s rise to power?Examine the factors contributing to the rise of Jacksonian democracy, particular in how he appealed to a growing voter base. Also, why did the upper-class political elites fear Jackson’s rise to power?
How long should the essays be? You will need at least 1 page (double-spaced with 12 point font) to fully answer these questions. These are not short answer questions, but they are also not meant to be books. Be sure to pay attention to EACH question within the essay question prompt that you choose, and […]
Texas Government – Local Government (Council manager, Strong Mayor, and Commission).Texas Government – Local Government (Council manager, Strong Mayor, and Commission).
See Bibliography Worksheet in this module for instructions – then upload the completed form after researching the local government chapter for the following types of local government – Council manager, Strong Mayor, and Commission. From 4 outside sources I need 4 paragraphs answering the questions for each of the types of goverments incuding the optional. […]
The Supplementary Readings Essay (S.R.E.) is designed to help you develop the necessary skills to become your own historian and engage in historical writing.The Supplementary Readings Essay (S.R.E.) is designed to help you develop the necessary skills to become your own historian and engage in historical writing.
Directions Write an essay that is a MINIMUM of 1000 words, a MINIMUM of 5 paragraphs in length, each paragraph AT LEAST 5 full-sentences long addressing ONE of the prompts below. Students may only use the supplementary reading material for their S.R.E. Make sure to use a MINIMUM of 4 supplementary readings. Students may NOT use lecture material […]
President Jackson’s policies concerning Native Americans affected them unfavorablyPresident Jackson’s policies concerning Native Americans affected them unfavorably
Graded Assignment Native Americans and the Indian Removal Act Total Score: ___ of 30 points Be sure to save this document to your computer like this: HST08B_01_16_TitleofGraded Assignment_YourFirstInitial_YourLastName.doc Refer to the rubric at the end of this assignment for details on how you will be graded. Write Your Argument President Jackson’s Indian Removal Act affected […]
Write an essay that explores the connections between the primary sources from your text and the current-day event/movement. Analyze the similarities, differences, and potential influences between the two.Write an essay that explores the connections between the primary sources from your text and the current-day event/movement. Analyze the similarities, differences, and potential influences between the two.
In this assignment, you will be asked to analyze primary sources from your text book and relate them to a contemporary event (defined as something that has happened in the world in 2024). Please follow the parameters of the assignment below and do not hesitate to email me with any questions: Select one primary source […]
Place bid Only if you read “From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah”Place bid Only if you read “From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah”
From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaundah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African , Written by Himself (pages114-136) Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Heading: Your name, date, names of assignment, EN235, section online Please, number the answers in relation to the number of the questions 1 List three interesting points about Olaudah Equiano’s life. In […]
Final Essay paper based on the Movies Hidden Figures and Selma where it relates to the various diversity and inclusion topics such as voting rights, segregation, racism, women rights and gender inequality.Final Essay paper based on the Movies Hidden Figures and Selma where it relates to the various diversity and inclusion topics such as voting rights, segregation, racism, women rights and gender inequality.
a) INTRODUCTION: List the topics selected, the movies that address each topic, and the type of organization where you will apply the “lessons learned.” (b) SUMMARY: Include a summary (two to three paragraphs) of the two movies you selected. Keep in mind I may not have watched the movies, and need to understand each […]
How were the rights of children addressed in the Progressive Era? When did society though the government begin to protect children?How were the rights of children addressed in the Progressive Era? When did society though the government begin to protect children?
2023-2024 U.S. History Research Paper 2023-2024 An Introduction For your Junior year research project, you will be choosing a topic centered in some way on civil rights to research and write an argumentative research paper. The goal of this assignment is to improve your historical thinking skills and to continue to develop your historical argumentation […]
Is American history from 1492 to 1763 best understood as an era of conquest or contact?Is American history from 1492 to 1763 best understood as an era of conquest or contact?
Question: Conquest is “the act of conquering, defeating, or subjugating,” while contact is the “intimate or close interaction between two items or among many.” Conquest suggests dominance. Contact suggests exchange. Is American history from 1492 to 1763 best understood as an era of conquest or contact? Your essay must have a central argument (or thesis) […]