The New Jim Crow: Study Questions for Introduction and Chapter 1 Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 here. and provide answers to the questions below: Content Questions 1. What is Michelle Alexander’s main idea as expressed in the Introduction? 2. What is the rate of incarceration in the US and how does it compare to other countries? […]
Discipline: American history
Discussion #7: Chapter Four – African Americans and Revolution, What does the U.S. Constitution Mean to You?Discussion #7: Chapter Four – African Americans and Revolution, What does the U.S. Constitution Mean to You?
Is the United States Constitution a real model of “freedom” or “democracy” or “independence?” Post-Revolutionary America was bitterly disappointing to African Americans, who during and immediately after the Revolution had some reason to hope that slavery might collapse. All but three of the new nation’s thirteen states banned the importation of slaves from outside the […]
Indigenous Environmental Network must Analyze and connect to at least 3 of topicsIndigenous Environmental Network must Analyze and connect to at least 3 of topics
Only use what i have provided. We must analazye and connect to Indigenous Environmental Network by usiang at least 3 of the topics that i have attached.
How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America By Clint SmithHow the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America By Clint Smith
Using How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery AcUsing How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across It is YOUR responsibility to give me a word count. Failure to give a word count iUsing How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery […]
lease post your interpretations, thoughts, comments, and questions about “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthornelease post your interpretations, thoughts, comments, and questions about “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Our next literary work is also a short story (fiction). “Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, was first published in 1835 and has been widely read ever since. Hawthorne, like Edgar Allan Poe, is an important author during the age of American Romanticism (1800s). This story is set in the seventeenth century (1600s) in the […]
Chicago World Fair: How Sally Rand’s Artistry and 1933 World’s Fair Shaped the Evolution of Burlesque and Artistic Dance in FilmChicago World Fair: How Sally Rand’s Artistry and 1933 World’s Fair Shaped the Evolution of Burlesque and Artistic Dance in Film
Here is the assignment instructions. I already wrote a rough draft and there are a lot of notes on it how to make it a better paper but I need help. I need to implement all three of the primary sources attached. I need to add more from the book by William Hazegrove (also attached). […]
Describe in essay format both views on American imperialism during the late 19th century (200-words). Imperialist Anti-ImperialismDescribe in essay format both views on American imperialism during the late 19th century (200-words). Imperialist Anti-Imperialism
(Not opinion, section. Be the scholar!) Three footnotes required. All footnotes must be from three different sources. No outside references will be accepted. No credit will be given
discuss the consequences of the effort by the U.S. government to build support for World War 1discuss the consequences of the effort by the U.S. government to build support for World War 1
discuss the consequences of the effort by the U.S. government to build support for World War I through the use of images, movies, speeches, or other devices. How did the government use propaganda to support the war effort? What do you think about the government using propaganda to gain support for wars, past and/or present? […]
analyze the views of sexual equality and gender justice expressed in the four assigned popular songs and in the two poems by Marge Piercy and Maya Angelou.analyze the views of sexual equality and gender justice expressed in the four assigned popular songs and in the two poems by Marge Piercy and Maya Angelou.
analyze the views of sexual equality and gender justice expressed in the four assigned popular songs and in the two poems by Marge Piercy and Maya Angelou. I will give you the links to the sources
The Dusky Maiden and Noble Savage stereotypes still impact Pacific representations today. Are they useful or harmful, and why?The Dusky Maiden and Noble Savage stereotypes still impact Pacific representations today. Are they useful or harmful, and why?
mla format Times New Roman 12pt font Double Spaced The mid-term paper is a 4-to-6-page essay on a topic related to the readings and lecture content from the first half of the term. You will pick one of the below essay questions and explore a range of Pacific studies perspectives on the issue. This includes […]