For the first paper, please analyze and interpret the speech delivered in Boston in 1869 by Frederick Douglass titled “The Composite Nation” in Foner, Voices of Freedom. In the mid-nineteenth century thousand of immigrants from China came to the United States every year. Most worked low-wage jobs which white Americans refused to do, especially the railroads. […]
Discipline: American history
Would early European actions be described as Imperialism and Colonialism> Define the two terms and use examples to defend your positionWould early European actions be described as Imperialism and Colonialism> Define the two terms and use examples to defend your position
The term “imperialism” has become very controversial and sometimes replaced with the term “colonialism”. Would you describe early European actions around the world as “imperialism” or “colonialism”? You should offer definitions of these two terms and the difference between the two. Then select specific examples to defend your position. 3-4 pages. Please include citations. In […]
Juan Herrera’s “La Lucha Continua: Gloria Arellanes & the Women of the Chicano Movement”Juan Herrera’s “La Lucha Continua: Gloria Arellanes & the Women of the Chicano Movement”
1. Thesis. What is the author(s)—from their perspective—arguing as the possible outcomes of reanimating lost or silenced counterstories and cultural rhetorical traditions? 2. Method. A. What methods is the author(s) suggesting and/or practicing as a pathway to tap into community identity formation as expressed in past voices or rhetorical traditions? B. What specific materials does […]
Book Unreview – Powerpoint Presentation – Dorsey, Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early MarylandBook Unreview – Powerpoint Presentation – Dorsey, Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early Maryland
This project will be in the format of a POWERPOINT – With Pictures and sslides. I will need a seperate script of what to say when presenting the powerpoint referenced of of the book in the header. I have linked the professors directions below. Everyone will choose an e-book on a topic that relates to […]
Primary Source Worksheet: Massachusetts Minister’s Slave Marriage Vows DocumentPrimary Source Worksheet: Massachusetts Minister’s Slave Marriage Vows Document
* Read the Primary Source Worksheet: Massachusetts Minister’s Slave Marriage Vows Document + Answer the following questions. * Times new roman; 12 pt. * More info from the file attached (reading + questions). * No plagiarism, please.
Short Paper Assignment – The Impact of the American Revolution on Women’s Rights before 1877Short Paper Assignment – The Impact of the American Revolution on Women’s Rights before 1877
Instructions: This short paper is at least 4 double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of 4 academically credible sources. The short paper must include a cover page You must also include a bibliography at the end of the paper. Chicago Style format Must be the […]
in what ways were the roles of African American men significantly different from the roles of African American women before the Civil War?in what ways were the roles of African American men significantly different from the roles of African American women before the Civil War?
Your assignment is to write a 3 page essay examining the narratives I have provided answering this question: in what ways were the roles of African American men significantly different from the roles of African American women before the Civil War? There are many ways to approach this essay, but my recommendation is to approach […]
Select 3 or 4 historical events that fundamentally changed the course of U.S. History.Select 3 or 4 historical events that fundamentally changed the course of U.S. History.
The 4 events I chose are (The “Flapper” era), (The Harlem Renaissance), (Franklin Roosevelt and the “New Deal”) (Rise of the Civil Rights Movement)
What made the Long, Townsend, and Sinclair proposals attractive to Americans who wanted additional assistance for the needy and why?What made the Long, Townsend, and Sinclair proposals attractive to Americans who wanted additional assistance for the needy and why?
After reading Chapters 25 and 26, read the excerpts of the Long, Townsend, and Sinclair proposals included on the Thinking About Your New Deal Essay page. Write an essay that answers the following question: What made the Long, Townsend, and Sinclair proposals attractive to Americans who wanted additional assistance for the needy and why? Your […]
What were the attitudes of white and black southerners toward Reconstruction? What do these documents suggest about competing definitions of black freedom in the aftermath of slavery?What were the attitudes of white and black southerners toward Reconstruction? What do these documents suggest about competing definitions of black freedom in the aftermath of slavery?
Please go to following link and read “The Meaning of Black Freedom” found here: Then, go to following link and read the primary documents entitled “Freedmen discuss post-emancipation life with General Sherman, 1865,” and “Jourdon Anderson Writes His Former Enslaver, 1865” found here: **assignment is based on these links