Discipline: American history

why has the United States faced challenges in fighting attritional wars since 1941?why has the United States faced challenges in fighting attritional wars since 1941?

A good historical essay argues a point. The author asserts a position (thesis), offers evidence in support, accounts for opposing facts and opinions, and ends with a conclusion that restates the thesis.  Use verbs in simple past tense in active mode (he went, she thought, etc.). Passive voice fulfills a need sometimes. Yet, as a […]

Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties. Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties?Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties. Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties?

Some people argue that there are no significant differences between the two major parties.  Backing up your perspective with appropriate sources, what are the major differences and similarities in the views of the Democratic and Republican parties (e.g., this review of party platforms, 1856-2016 www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/2016-election/conventions/party-platform-evolution/Links to an external site.)?  What are the primary areas of difference […]

Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. And Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. And Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.

you must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: 1.  Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on […]

What were the professed reasons for the Vietnam War. Do you believe these were valid? Why or why not?What were the professed reasons for the Vietnam War. Do you believe these were valid? Why or why not?

Answer the following question as if it was a miniature essay (at least 500 words).  Cite your sources using Foner, Zinn, and lectures.   Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from sources Cite Foner as (Foner pg.#); cite the Zinn documents by the author of the document or title if the author […]

The Radical Fringe: Please select an individual who was considered radical in their lifetime. Your choice should be from one of the chapters we have covered in this class.The Radical Fringe: Please select an individual who was considered radical in their lifetime. Your choice should be from one of the chapters we have covered in this class.

Please select an individual who was considered radical in their lifetime. Your choice should be from one of the chapters we have covered in this class.  Step 1: Explain why their ideas were deemed radical in their contemporary society, what methods they employed to challenge the status quo, and who supported them (in their lifetime […]

Additional assignment_constitution_impeachment Additional assignment_constitution_impeachmentAdditional assignment_constitution_impeachment Additional assignment_constitution_impeachment

Assignment Content The impeaching the president is an extreme measure to check the president by Congress. The former President Trump was impeached twice unprecedently. The current Congress is discussion impeaching President Biden.   Due to severe and toxic partisan politics, there were different views on these two impeachments against Trump done by the Democrat Congress against […]

‘Martin Luther King was the most important black American in the development of the civil rights movement, 1865-1968” How far do you agree?‘Martin Luther King was the most important black American in the development of the civil rights movement, 1865-1968” How far do you agree?

– 3500 words – refences, chicago turabian – needs to cover 100 years, each decade – an analytical discussion using evidence in which you also present a clear and sustained overall argument. The NEA must use footnotes and provide a bibliography to acknowledge your sources  

Rewrite a plan for reconstruction, I attached the sources (Primary and secondary), please reference them as much as possible, no AI please I will checkRewrite a plan for reconstruction, I attached the sources (Primary and secondary), please reference them as much as possible, no AI please I will check

Creating a Plan for Reconstruction Create a proposal for a plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War. Your plan should seek to achieve two goals: To reunite the nation, resolve the conflicts that led to the Civil War, and heal the wounds the war caused, and To bring justice to the nation and its citizens. […]

During World War II and the post-War era, what specific challenges did marginalized communities face in their vision of freedom? How did these groups rise to the challenge and in what ways did they succeed?During World War II and the post-War era, what specific challenges did marginalized communities face in their vision of freedom? How did these groups rise to the challenge and in what ways did they succeed?

During World War II and the post-War era, what specific challenges did marginalized communities face in their vision of freedom? How did these groups rise to the challenge and in what ways did they succeed? From the fight on the battlefields and on the home front during World War II and the 15 years of the […]

Write a paper, between 2-3 pages. (longer than 2 pages, shorter than 3) Make sure to include sources in APA format. Use 1″ Margins, Double Space, 10 -12 point font. APA formatting information can be found in your course information folder.Write a paper, between 2-3 pages. (longer than 2 pages, shorter than 3) Make sure to include sources in APA format. Use 1″ Margins, Double Space, 10 -12 point font. APA formatting information can be found in your course information folder.

Write a paper, between 2-3 pages. (longer than 2 pages, shorter than 3) Make sure to include sources in APA format.  Use 1″ Margins, Double Space, 10 -12 point font.  APA formatting information can be found in your course information folder.  Directions:  Review the Material under the Videos and Notes tab and within Chapter 1 […]