Discipline: American history

In your opinion, what was the most significant specific elements which contributed to the eventual shortcomings of Reconstruction? Elaborate your answer in terms to the how and why. Please provide at least two reasons. .In your opinion, what was the most significant specific elements which contributed to the eventual shortcomings of Reconstruction? Elaborate your answer in terms to the how and why. Please provide at least two reasons. .

Chapter 15 “The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877” creates a sweeping survey of the period immediately after the guns fell silent from the violence of the Civil War. The next great challenge for America would be to re-unite and heal the nation. This effort would include rebuilding the South and creating a society that would allow […]

How did the changes the accompanied the industrial revolution compare and/or contrast to the changes that accompanied the technological revolution of the late 20th and early 21st centuries?How did the changes the accompanied the industrial revolution compare and/or contrast to the changes that accompanied the technological revolution of the late 20th and early 21st centuries?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the authors of your textbook observe, “industrialization and mass production pushed the United States into the forefront of the world (Baker et al.).” The era was accompanied by an acceleration of inventions and innovations that helped propel the industrial revolution. Led by “captains of industry” the era […]

American Federal Gov. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases (e.g., Brown v Board of Education) AND executive actions (e.g., Emancipation Proclamation) then discuss their impact on law and on our society.American Federal Gov. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases (e.g., Brown v Board of Education) AND executive actions (e.g., Emancipation Proclamation) then discuss their impact on law and on our society.

 Please include in text citation and a works cited page in APA format. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases (e.g., Brown v Board of Education) AND executive actions (e.g., Emancipation Proclamation) then discuss their impact on law and on our society. Please discuss at least three of each.

Theoretical concepts in Racism: Colorblindness, Intersectionality & White PrivilegeTheoretical concepts in Racism: Colorblindness, Intersectionality & White Privilege

Please choose an example of racism where you feel that colorblindness, intersectionality or white privilege could provide useful insight,  and answer the following questions about it:  1. What is the general situation? 2. How might the concept (colorblindness, intersectionality or white privilege) help us to see aspects of the situation that might be hidden or minimized by […]

American Federal Government Supreme Court Cases and Executive actions that impacted on law and societyAmerican Federal Government Supreme Court Cases and Executive actions that impacted on law and society

Identify the most important Supreme Court cases (e.g., Brown v Board of Education) ANDexecutive actions (e.g., Emancipation Proclamation) then discuss their impact on law and on our society. Please discuss at least three of each. The history of the United States has been marked by the progressive expansion of voting rights and the protection of its citizens […]

Comparative National Security Project – Comparative Analysis of Military PowerComparative National Security Project – Comparative Analysis of Military Power

Activity Instructions/ Details  This assignment is a continuation of your course-long Comparative National Security Project. In your first paper for this project, you introduced your selected country and explored its major national security challenges. In this assignment, you will focus on comparative military power. Be sure to consult the research guide Download research guidefor resources as you […]

Prompt: Compare the economic, political, and social life of the 1920s and 1950s in America.Prompt: Compare the economic, political, and social life of the 1920s and 1950s in America.

Introduction Paragraph This includes introduction sentences, followed by a thesis statement. The thesis statement should answer the prompt with claims that can be supported by evidence. The thesis should be two to three sentences in length. There should be two changes and one continuity discussed in your thesis. Three Body Paragraphs Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence […]

Violations and a lapse in American values and ethics occurred during this period. Understand why King knew it was wrong to wait.Violations and a lapse in American values and ethics occurred during this period. Understand why King knew it was wrong to wait.

Read and discuss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) and engage in a historical analysis of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” that was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.in 1963. Through this analysis of a classic African American Freedom Struggle document, you will create a list of the UDFR articles you believe were violated under the U.S. system of racial discrimination. You are to […]

Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of governmentIdentify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of governmentIdentify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on our society.

you must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The fundamental values that inform how our democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of […]

terrorist incident, organization, leader, or development focusing on American domestic terrorismterrorist incident, organization, leader, or development focusing on American domestic terrorism

INTL450 D001 Fall 2023 Objective: This assignment, in accordance with undergraduate academic endeavors, provides an opportunity to evaluate assimilation of the course topics, and sharpen and evaluate students’ research & critical thinking skills. The assignment is driven & tested by a combination of course materials and external self-led research; analyzed and presented in essay form. […]