List of acceptable online sources (this is in no way exhaustive): a. American Yawp: b. PBS: c. Digital History: d. Gilder Lehrman: e. Library of Congress: and f. National Archives: g. History Matters: h. TeacherServe: The text of the body should be 1150 words. The paper should be double-spaced, written in a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Garamond, size 12, with 1-inch […]
Discipline: American history
Answer in 1-2 pages, using details from the reading as evidence to support your ideas, and making as many connectionsAnswer in 1-2 pages, using details from the reading as evidence to support your ideas, and making as many connections
Horatio Alger’s characters frequently tell Dick that success is possible for any ambitious, hard-working, thrifty, honest American – yet, arguably, the story actually shows that Dick’s advancement depends on frequent handouts from others along with the luck of an honest-seeming white face, good health, and a sense of humor. What do you think is the […]
After reading the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, please respond to each of the following three questionsAfter reading the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, please respond to each of the following three questions
Students will create a journal response of at least 500 words in length to the provided prompt. After completing the Required Unit Resources for Unit IV, carefully read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The transcripts of these important documents can be found at the following websites: U.S. National Archives and Records […]
Students will write a letter as an European Explorer to a Spanish or French family. You will describe your experiences, the famous leaders,Students will write a letter as an European Explorer to a Spanish or French family. You will describe your experiences, the famous leaders,
Dear Mom, I really like to start this new world. Our people get along well with the Native American. I am also learning a new language from Native Americans. La Salle Calimeed the mississippi valllley for France. I now live in a small town in La Salle, a charming small town in Louisiana, which takes […]
This is your chance to respond to the readings. Answer in a concise 1-2 pages, using specific details from the readings as evidence to support your ideas, and making as many connectionsThis is your chance to respond to the readings. Answer in a concise 1-2 pages, using specific details from the readings as evidence to support your ideas, and making as many connections
What was John Winthrop’s American dream, in your own words? Why do you think Cullen calls this dream “communitarian”? How do the Puritans’s treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, and women like Anne Hutchinson or the Salem witches all affect your understanding of Winthrop’s dream?’s%20City%20upon%20a%20Hill.pdf
This is your chance to respond to the readings. Choose one of the following questions. Answer in a concise 1-2 pages, using specific details from the readings as evidence to support your ideas, and make conncectionsThis is your chance to respond to the readings. Choose one of the following questions. Answer in a concise 1-2 pages, using specific details from the readings as evidence to support your ideas, and make conncections
What was John Winthrop’s American dream, in your own words? Why do you think Cullen calls this dream “communitarian”? How do the Puritans’s treatment of Native Americans, African Americans, and women like Anne Hutchinson or the Salem witches all affect your understanding of Winthrop’s dream?’s%20City%20upon%20a%20Hill.pdf
Taken together, what impact did Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden have on the understanding of federal power in the early republic ?Taken together, what impact did Dartmouth College v. Woodward, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden have on the understanding of federal power in the early republic ?
Your must use references to historical developments and quotations from the provided documents to support your responses. Every response should incorporate evidence in the form of quotations. Expectations → Your response to each essay should have a clear thesis. Your thesis should be supported with SPECIFIC evidence from the historical contexts and documents discussed in […]
Compare the economic, political and social life of the 1920s and 1950s in America.Compare the economic, political and social life of the 1920s and 1950s in America.
Introduction (Thesis) Paragraph – Begin with an introduction of one to two sentences that states the context of the topic. – In your thesis, which comes after the introductory sentences, you should present the main claims that you will defend in the essay. – The thesis helps you focus your ideas and helps the reader […]
“The US should not have supported the Taliban due to their history of human rights abuses, oppressive rule, and support for terrorist organizations.”“The US should not have supported the Taliban due to their history of human rights abuses, oppressive rule, and support for terrorist organizations.”
pers need to be at minimum 6 pages long, shorter papers will not be graded and receive an automatic failure. Papers will not be accepted late, nor will any portion of this assignment be accepted late. If you are going to be absent the day something is due it is expected, you will still submit […]
Rewrite and finish this paper about Lothar de Maiziere’s visit to the United StatesRewrite and finish this paper about Lothar de Maiziere’s visit to the United States
Here is the propmpt: Students will produce a 6-8 page original historical/critical essay based on the foreign leader travel. Students must begin by exploring (with Dr. Barney’s help, and the assistance of Marcia Whitehead, if necessary) what they think would be interesting aspects of their chosen visit to write about—whether a particular leader was of […]