Discipline: Anatomy

Response 1: muscles 3 types, unique properties, and location/ Response 2 Nervous tissue cell types and Unique propertiesResponse 1: muscles 3 types, unique properties, and location/ Response 2 Nervous tissue cell types and Unique properties

Instructions: Peer Responses 125 Words Each Two informational posts are needed. Apply the material in an original way on 2 different topics (not your own) Use Critical thinking to make everyday connections. Critical thinking: Making Everyday connections Consider starting out posts with, “A research article I found said,” “Did you know,” or “Three things I […]

Select four (4) Disorders from the Circulator System: Blood, The Lymphatic System and The Digestive System and create your own four case studies.Select four (4) Disorders from the Circulator System: Blood, The Lymphatic System and The Digestive System and create your own four case studies.

 Select four (4) Disorders from any of PowerPoints on the Circulator System: Blood, TheLymphatic System and The Digestive System (posted in the Content area of D2L) and createyour own four case studies. You may also select pathologies concerning these topics fromsources online. These must be non-fictional pathologies. Feel free to get creative and havefun with […]

The Skull-cranial vs facial bones & how many of each (Unique aspects of skull. Ex- paranasal sinuses, sutures, cranial fossae, mandible parts)The Skull-cranial vs facial bones & how many of each (Unique aspects of skull. Ex- paranasal sinuses, sutures, cranial fossae, mandible parts)

Instructions: Main Post 325 Words Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material.  RESEARCH (Label this section)  The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic. Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources. Reminder: Your textbook should […]

A case study in sports where an athlete suffered due to an electrolyte/ fluid imbalanceA case study in sports where an athlete suffered due to an electrolyte/ fluid imbalance

Instructions Article #3 will be a research paragraph on sports. Fluid and electrolytes are important in maintaining a correct balance. Present a case study in sports where an athlete suffered due to an electrolyte/ fluid imbalance (such as hyponatremia, etc.). Write a paragraph approximately 250 words and cite your article below.

Discuss the importance of a strong foundation in Anatomy in Physiology in the field of Nursing.Discuss the importance of a strong foundation in Anatomy in Physiology in the field of Nursing.

Discussion 7.1 – Anatomy & Physiology Foundation 99 unread replies.99 replies. Discuss the importance of a strong foundation in Anatomy in Physiology in the field of Nursing.    Include the most interesting thing you have learned about this term Explain what you feel was the most challenging concept in Anatomy and Physiology

What do you think about the possibility of using CXCR4 and CCR5 genes and the immune system in the cure of HIV infection?What do you think about the possibility of using CXCR4 and CCR5 genes and the immune system in the cure of HIV infection?

There is a man who has been cured of HIV/AIDS according to reports. His treatment was in Germany. And a second man reportedly cured too but this time in London. Please discuss this issue, why HIV incidence is increasing and the advantages or disadvantages of CCR5, CXCR4. Be specific and detailed. Recently, a second man […]

Ncladd ECON102 Week 7: Assignment 1 – Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008Ncladd ECON102 Week 7: Assignment 1 – Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Assignment 1: Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008 Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal […]

The pathway of air flow: nose to alveoli; and relate the function of any portion of the respiratory tract to its gross and microscopic anatomy.The pathway of air flow: nose to alveoli; and relate the function of any portion of the respiratory tract to its gross and microscopic anatomy.

Instructions: Main Post 325 Word minimum Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material. RESEARCH (Label this section) The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic. Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources. Reminder: Your textbook […]

the clinical relevance of studying the urinary and reproductive system in anatomy and physiology.the clinical relevance of studying the urinary and reproductive system in anatomy and physiology.

Instructions:   Step 1: Respond to the following: Explain the clinical relevance of studying the urinary and reproductive system in anatomy and physiology. How does knowledge of these systems aid in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary and reproductive-related disorders or conditions? Provide examples if possible.  Did you encounter any unexpected findings, challenges, or interesting facts in […]

The Ankle foot: Bones that form it, Range of motion, common dysfunctions compared to normal structureThe Ankle foot: Bones that form it, Range of motion, common dysfunctions compared to normal structure

Instructions: Main Post 325 Words Subject Heading: Type the Number and Name of your topic before posting material. RESEARCH (Label this section) The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Share interesting and current research on the topic. Use APA in text citations in the text to clarify sources. Reminder: Your textbook should […]