Goal: Reveal the ethnographic questions the author seeks to answer, the data they used, the process the article came about.Components :-Explain the primary research, secondary questions and the rationale for the study.-Discuss the empirical and theoretical contributions of the researches. – Summarize the article’s argument in three lines by quoting the article. – Outline the […]
Discipline: Anthropology
Discuss the significance of lobola in South Africa. Reflect on how this practice has been changed in the recent past. End the essay with an exploration on the measures that can be taken to restore the cultural significance of lobola.Discuss the significance of lobola in South Africa. Reflect on how this practice has been changed in the recent past. End the essay with an exploration on the measures that can be taken to restore the cultural significance of lobola.
Compulsory readings: Make use of Unit 5 in the prescribed textbook as well as the following: Reading 1: Google Scholar Ansell, N. 2001. ‘‘Because it’s our culture!’ (Re)negotiating the meaning of lobola in Southern African secondary schools’ Journal of Southern African Studies, 27(4): 697-716. Retrieved from https://bura.brunel.ac.uk/bitstream/2438/582/3/Fulltext.pdf (Accessed date 29 September 2024). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070120090691 Reading […]
The Paradoxes of Green Technology: Tesla’s Gigafactory and the Contradictions of Sustainable DevelopmentThe Paradoxes of Green Technology: Tesla’s Gigafactory and the Contradictions of Sustainable Development
The original assignment was as follows: Essay: You will work towards an essay (minimum 900, maximum 1200 words) in which you apply a minimum of two and a maximum of three concepts explored in the readings to a topical case study of your own choosing. Be sure to follow conventional essay structure as you have […]
Gender, Power, and Politics: The Evolving Role of Women in Southeast Asia – A Case Study of Thailand and IndonesiaGender, Power, and Politics: The Evolving Role of Women in Southeast Asia – A Case Study of Thailand and Indonesia
In this assignment you will explore a particular issue/theme in the study of people and culture of Southeast Asia (for example, history, kinship, gender relations, family, religion, or political violence, globalization, development, etc.) and develop a paper that addresses how the issue has been explored in course materials, lectures, and class discussion. Remember that nothing […]
The Evolutionary Mechanics of Flirting: Adaptive Strategies and Reproductive SuccessThe Evolutionary Mechanics of Flirting: Adaptive Strategies and Reproductive Success
Format your paper accordingly: title page, body of paper (including an introduction, body, and conclusion), in-text citation and quotes, and a list of references (Works Cited page). Introduction: Your introduction should direct the reader to the purpose of your paper, i.e. it should include a thesis statement. The thesis statement is the organizing principle of […]
ANTH 3319 Balancing Conservation over Tourism: Unpacking the Impacts of EcotourismANTH 3319 Balancing Conservation over Tourism: Unpacking the Impacts of Ecotourism
Balancing Conservation over Tourism: Unpacking the Impacts of Ecotourism For my final paper, I will focus on Ecotourism (Topic). My paper will explore the effects and challenges of Ecotourism on environmental conservation and its influence on communities. Ecotourism is frequently praised for its potential to support local communities while also promoting environmental conservation, yet evidence […]
View the following documentary Big Business in Little Seeds and then, write an analytical summary of the films examining the ways in which the “Gene Revolution”advance, or perpetuate the weaknesses of the “Green Revolution.View the following documentary Big Business in Little Seeds and then, write an analytical summary of the films examining the ways in which the “Gene Revolution”advance, or perpetuate the weaknesses of the “Green Revolution.
View the following documentary Big Business in Little Seeds and then, write an analytical summary of the films examining the ways in which the “Gene Revolution” (and other “advances” such as precision ariculture, automated farming (see article linked to module), drone technology, GPS, and so forth) advance, or perpetuate the weaknesses of the “Green Revolution.” That is, […]
Cooperation – Is cooperation actually selfish? Develop this hypothesis using evidence of primates.Cooperation – Is cooperation actually selfish? Develop this hypothesis using evidence of primates.
Overview – Pose a big question. Say why this is an interesting question for the field. Say why it has been difficult to answer. Say that you will review what has been done to answer this question to date. Somewhere in this overview / introduction you must state your argument, thesis statement, or question. Background theory – […]
Biography Report- Miracle Hill: The Story of A Navajo Boy (Mitchell Blackhorse- 2004)Biography Report- Miracle Hill: The Story of A Navajo Boy (Mitchell Blackhorse- 2004)
This essay will be a Biography Report on the Book >”MIiracle Hill: The Story of a Navajo Boy” by Mitchell Blackhorse, published in 2004. The instructions are clearly stated below: This report should be between 2400 and 2700 words long. It should include the following components: (a) a summary of what the book was about, […]
Use 4 sources. 1. Compare and contrast Australopithecus with Homo. Select two hominid species from each genus and then look at diet, locomotion, cranial and post cranial changes, cranial capacity, behaviorUse 4 sources. 1. Compare and contrast Australopithecus with Homo. Select two hominid species from each genus and then look at diet, locomotion, cranial and post cranial changes, cranial capacity, behavior
Write a 3 page essay answering the following essay topic. Use 4 sources. 1. Compare and contrast Australopithecus with Homo. Select two hominid species from each genus and then look at diet, locomotion, cranial and post cranial changes, cranial capacity, behavior, etc. Make sure you use your chosen species to demonstrate your discussed traits. Requirements: Basic APA formatting of Times […]