Discipline: Anthropology

Barriers to Belonging: The Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political Challenges Faced by Mexican Immigrants in Arizona, USABarriers to Belonging: The Social, Cultural, Economic, and Political Challenges Faced by Mexican Immigrants in Arizona, USA

Write an essay based on the attached word document.   You should have at least 8 scholarly references (articles and books)  plus material from the textbook Cultural Anthropology 13TH Edition by Serena Nanda and Richard L Warms  (total 9 sources)Use the journal American Anthropologist as a model for style of citation. https://library.lol/main/9BC6B105D3373285E1388EFDDF735443  Essay and references must […]

the inequality of the social hierarchy from human burials of Ancient Egypt during the predynastic period.the inequality of the social hierarchy from human burials of Ancient Egypt during the predynastic period.

This assignment must use four scholarly sources without quoting or pagerizing them. The four sources include: Mark, J. J. (2024, October 2). Social Structure in Ancient Egypt. World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1123/social-structure-in-ancient-egypt/  STEVENSON, A. (2009). SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN PREDYNASTIC BURIALS. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 95, 175–192. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40645752 Anderson, W. (1992). Badarian Burials: Evidence of Social […]

“A Study of Healing Practices at the Intersection of Magic, Science, and Religion in Ancient Egypt”“A Study of Healing Practices at the Intersection of Magic, Science, and Religion in Ancient Egypt”

Scholarly discussion of the interplay of magic, science, and religion has long existed; this is especially true when considering ancient societies like as Egypt. Numerous scholars have investigated the ways in which these components were integrated into daily life rather than being viewed as distinct fields, particularly when it came to issues with health and […]

exploration of the concept of “race” as a classification of human differences, its historical development, and the persistence of racism despite scientific refutation of biological race.exploration of the concept of “race” as a classification of human differences, its historical development, and the persistence of racism despite scientific refutation of biological race.

What is meant with the “riddle of ‘race’”? Why does it show that we need an analysis of the classification of human differences since the 18th century, if we want to understand why refuting ‘race’ as a biological concept has not lead to the abolition of racism as a social practice today? Discuss, in your essay, […]

‘SITE’ RESEARCH PAPER: ‘mythology’ meets archaeology (Ancient Civilizations)‘SITE’ RESEARCH PAPER: ‘mythology’ meets archaeology (Ancient Civilizations)

You will be investigating the connection between ‘mythology’ and archaeology. (1)  Select a ‘site’ from the list provided and conduct research into the ‘site.’ (2)  What is the ‘mythos’ surrounding the site? Dependent on the site, mythology can include the history of discovery—what led to the original (or ongoing) quest/exploration to find the site (myths/oral […]

“Reevaluating Urban Life: The Chicago School’s Perspective vs. Sally Merry’s Insights on Urban Danger and Social Organization”“Reevaluating Urban Life: The Chicago School’s Perspective vs. Sally Merry’s Insights on Urban Danger and Social Organization”

One ongoing debate in urban studies has been how to theorize the effects of living in urban areas on human behavior, relations, and culture. Early urban scholars, like those of the Chicago School, often focused on what they saw as the negative impacts of urban life. Drawing on this context, critically examine whether cities are […]

For the midterm, I am asking you to submit a methodology analysis for a case related to the topics of BioarchaeologyFor the midterm, I am asking you to submit a methodology analysis for a case related to the topics of Bioarchaeology

Current Methods in Archaeological Science  Overview: For the midterm, I am asking you to submit a methodology analysis for a case related to the topics of Bioarchaeology, Zooarchaeology, or Historical Archaeology. The goal is to understand the decisions and thought processes that drive certain archaeological questions. For this exercise, please choose one of the following: Topics: Bioarchaeology: The Ötzi […]

colonial and economic basis for California Native American terminal narratives and extinction mythscolonial and economic basis for California Native American terminal narratives and extinction myths

Two essays requiring library research will be assigned in class. Students will generally have about 2 weeks to prepare an essay based on a written prompt. Essays are 1000 words minimum, typed, single-spaced, 12 point font, and must reference all relevant materials from class (lectures, guest discussions, films, and readings) in a formal bibliography, contain […]

Article Review Essay: Patterns of Exchange in Kinship Systems in Germany, Russia, and the Peoples Republic of ChinaArticle Review Essay: Patterns of Exchange in Kinship Systems in Germany, Russia, and the Peoples Republic of China

Title of the article: Patterns of Exchange in Kinship Systems in Germany, Russia, and the People’s Republic of China. Dear students, work on an article review essay. Follow the format of MLA/APA, TimesNewRoman 12 size font, 1.5 line spacing, containing 700 to 1500 words. It is a graded assignment, which contains 5 percent of total 100 of […]