Discipline: Anthropology

How anthropologists use ethnographic methods to study human cultural and social lifeHow anthropologists use ethnographic methods to study human cultural and social life

In this assignment, you will write a short essay on how anthropologists use ethnographic methods to study human cultural and social life. First, discuss ethnography and ethnographic fieldwork, then, using at least two of the assigned readings from your class reader, discuss how and what ethnographic research contributed to understanding aspects of human life.  How […]

Examine how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people.Examine how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people.

   Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.      Make sure […]

Analyze how socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender differences are reflected in language. Give specific examples.Analyze how socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender differences are reflected in language. Give specific examples.

  Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.      Make sure […]

In the film Framing the Other, the interactions between the Mursi people and foreign tourists are documented.In the film Framing the Other, the interactions between the Mursi people and foreign tourists are documented.

In the film Framing the Other, the interactions between the Mursi people and foreign tourists are documented. Explain how the actions and comments of the Dutch tourist can be considered ethnocentric – provide specific examples from the film (here quotations are fine). What could she have done differently to approach her visit with an attitude of […]

Exploring the Evolutionary Pathways of Molars in the Genus Homo: Investigating the Relationship Between Enamel Thickness and Brain Shape EvolutionExploring the Evolutionary Pathways of Molars in the Genus Homo: Investigating the Relationship Between Enamel Thickness and Brain Shape Evolution

Outline: Exploring the Evolutionary Pathways of Molars in the Genus Homo: Investigating the Relationship Between Enamel Thickness and Brain Shape Evolution I. Introduction Thesis Statement Image being able to bite a tree (something harf a chimp still eats). This investigation/research  is going to through the Exploration of the evolutionary pathways of molars in the genus […]

Describe the main characteristics of the following three chronological periods in Britain: the Palaeolithic, the Bronze Age and the Viking periods.Describe the main characteristics of the following three chronological periods in Britain: the Palaeolithic, the Bronze Age and the Viking periods.

Describe the main characteristics of the following three chronological periods in Britain: the Palaeolithic, the Bronze Age and the Viking periods. Support your answers with examples of key archaeological sites. Characteristics should include points such as the date ranges of these periods, diet and subsistence, what types of sites the people lived in or built, […]

effects of colonial and neo-colonial policies on First Nations and Inuit peoples in Canadaeffects of colonial and neo-colonial policies on First Nations and Inuit peoples in Canada

watch the required documentary, Marquise Lepage’s Martha of the North (2009), which describes the forced relocations of several Inuit families from Inukjuak, Northern Québec, to Grise Fiord, Ellesmere Island, and Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, in 1953. After watching the documentary, write a short essay answering the following questions. Note that to answer these questions and succeed on […]

Are the treatments of the rescued elephants of Vantara Conservation in Gujarat India effective?Are the treatments of the rescued elephants of Vantara Conservation in Gujarat India effective?

This is the part of the project that will take the most time and require the most research. You will conduct library research to locate scholarly work that has already been conducted on your topic, or on themes that overlap with your topic; you will read and summarize this scholarship, drawing connections to your specific […]

Consider how First Peoples of Canada are represented in Canadian media, television, and film.Consider how First Peoples of Canada are represented in Canadian media, television, and film.

The research term paper is your opportunity to further investigate a topic from this course that really interests you. Like with your event observation topic, you will need to discuss your chosen topic with your tutor before proceeding. Perhaps your event observation assignment inspired you? Or maybe it was something you read or watched in […]

Module II – Ecology of Disease, Ethnomedicine, and the Social Construction of IllnessModule II – Ecology of Disease, Ethnomedicine, and the Social Construction of Illness

Videos to watch: https://docuseek2-com.uhcl.idm.oclc.org/fn-wap1  https://www.kanopy.com/uhcl/video/sickness-and-wealth?frontend=kui&proxybusterfailed=1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1PqLrBCW78 Video login for Docuseek2: email: ****************************************** style=”background-color: var(–color-6); color: var(–color-1); font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit;”>username: Slaytonb0501 Password: RYleigh2008!!!! Module II Objectives Students will be able to define and describe the process of embodiment, especially in terms of how the human body and wellness may be impacted by society. Students will […]