Discipline: Art

Improving the effect of colors on optical uniformity in films: an analytical study of color supplements consumed on an optical printerImproving the effect of colors on optical uniformity in films: an analytical study of color supplements consumed on an optical printer

research aims:  Analysis of the effect of color correction techniques on optical uniformity in films:  Study how color correction can affect the overall character of a film and create a visual experience among different viewers.  Determining the time period in the field of visual aesthetics:  Explore how to use the power of color to visually […]

a comparative analysis of Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night “ and Jackson Pollock’s “One: Number 31, 1950”.a comparative analysis of Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night “ and Jackson Pollock’s “One: Number 31, 1950”.

This paper will go into depth the similar perspective and experience a viewer could face from organization and consistency in art, in comparison to a more chaotic and abstract demeanor of art by doing a comparative analysis of Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night “ and Jackson Pollock’s “One: Number 31, 1950”.

touchstone 4: art and architecture:uniting culture,innovation and religous ideastouchstone 4: art and architecture:uniting culture,innovation and religous ideas

Touchstone 4: Art and Architecture: Uniting Culture, Innovation, and Religious Ideals ASSIGNMENT: In this assignment, you will explore the crossroads of culture, innovation, and religious expression through art and architecture. Drawing from the course material, you will complete two distinct yet interconnected parts in a 4-5 page (1,000-1,200 words) paper: Innovations in Art and Architecture: Examine […]

The Brilliance of Julius Caesar: His Influence and Contributions to the Artistic World of Rome.The Brilliance of Julius Caesar: His Influence and Contributions to the Artistic World of Rome.

sentences are wordy and contain a lot of details — break down into smaller amounts time to take out of “this paper …” format academic writing is in third person  remove extra spacing ‘This paper’ is too short for an organizational explanation. This it not an appropriate style for this PAC.  font issues paragraphing needed […]

You have been talking about places where people of all ages like to go in your local area. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write a report on a place in your area where both old and young people enjoy spending time.You have been talking about places where people of all ages like to go in your local area. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write a report on a place in your area where both old and young people enjoy spending time.

You have been talking about places where people of all ages like to go in your local area. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write a report on a place in your area where both old and young people enjoy spending time. In your report, you should: describe the place explain why it […]

Visual Analysis Paper on Edgar Degas’ painting, The Dance Class (1873), Musée d’OrsayVisual Analysis Paper on Edgar Degas’ painting, The Dance Class (1873), Musée d’Orsay

Make a Visual Analysis Paper on Edgar Degas’ painting, The Dance Class (1873),  Musée d’Orsay Using this Problem: A puzzling aspect of the work is the fact that most of the ballet dancers are turned away from the viewer – an odd choice for a subject associated with public spectacle and performance. What is more, the most prominent poses […]

The Role of Public Art in Urban Renewal in Australia-A Case Study from a Sustainable Development PerspectiveThe Role of Public Art in Urban Renewal in Australia-A Case Study from a Sustainable Development Perspective

Research direction and Require:   1.Interventions in Urban Renewal,Exploring the contribution of public art to achieving sustainable urban development goals(Australia). 2.The methodology part of the article should be taken very seriously. 3.If there is a better thesis title, it can be slightly adjusted.     References:10 Number of words:1650 Type:research proposal Please write a research […]

Choose a topic on modern art of the 20th or 21st century, found in one of the regions we have studied or tied to one of the cultures we have examined. Select an example from your book to explore in more detail.Choose a topic on modern art of the 20th or 21st century, found in one of the regions we have studied or tied to one of the cultures we have examined. Select an example from your book to explore in more detail.

Choose a topic on modern art of the 20th or 21st century, found in one of the regions we have studied or tied to one of the cultures we have examined. Select an example from your book to explore in more detail, supplementing the book with scholarly internet sources to elaborate on the example. Let […]