Discipline: Astronomy

What would be the impact on the human condition if exobologists actually find life somewhere other than on Earth; a new form, bacterial, intelligent, or otherwise?What would be the impact on the human condition if exobologists actually find life somewhere other than on Earth; a new form, bacterial, intelligent, or otherwise?

GENERAL STRUCTURAL EXPECTATIONS: Choose the topic that most interests you. I will entertain other suggestions for possible choices, but they must be pre-approved by your instructor no later than the end of Week 2. The instructor reserves the right to summarily reject those suggestions if I so choose The body of the paper must be […]

Global warming and how we can use astronomy, in particular comparative planetologyGlobal warming and how we can use astronomy, in particular comparative planetology

Paragraph 1, Introductory paragraph: Mention that the topic of the paper is to answer a very important question ‘What is the cause of global warming?’, and how we can use astronomy, in particular comparative planetology, to exemplify the answer to this question. Mention in your introductory paragraph that a large fraction of the population would […]

about global warming in the context of astronomy, in particular, the relation to comparative planetary science (comparative planetology is when you compare the properties of two or more planets to derive conclusions).about global warming in the context of astronomy, in particular, the relation to comparative planetary science (comparative planetology is when you compare the properties of two or more planets to derive conclusions).

about global warming in the context of astronomy, in particular, the relation to comparative planetary science (comparative planetology is when you compare the properties of two or more planets to derive conclusions).  Paragraph 1, Introductory paragraph: Mention that the topic of the paper is to answer a very important question ‘What is the cause of […]

Choose a particular property of black holes that is currently being researched by scientists. Why is this particular property important to our knowledge about black holes?Choose a particular property of black holes that is currently being researched by scientists. Why is this particular property important to our knowledge about black holes?

Paper needs to be put into Scientific Method/MLA style.  -Proper sourcing for endnotes and and proper sourcing within text. -VERY IMPORTANT: Use Scientific Paper Format: Title; Abstract; Introducition; Methods; Results;Conclusion. Must have seperate, written heading for each section.  -Provide correct facts/data -The report must be 3 full pages long not including Works Cited. Pictures do […]

Choose one mission to a “leftover” object – Kuiper Belt object, Oort Cloud object, Asteroid, Comet, or any of the dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Eris, Planet X).Choose one mission to a “leftover” object – Kuiper Belt object, Oort Cloud object, Asteroid, Comet, or any of the dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Eris, Planet X).

Include the following in the post: The name of the mission, and the world it studies/studied Tell us about two major discoveries from this mission – what did we learn about this leftover from this mission Tell us why this mission is important in the larger sense – how does it help us to understand out place in the solar system, or understand […]