The paper must be written at college level and follow APA format. Although I understand the benefit of using AI to gather information for your paper, if you gather information from any AI source you must include a peer-reviewed citation to back it up the information. At least two peer reviewed articles must be included […]
Discipline: Behavioral science and Human development
Emissions of electrical electric vehicles vs. fossil fuel cars, US average energy mix and the why does co2 effect the eaths atmosphere and the greenhouse gasesEmissions of electrical electric vehicles vs. fossil fuel cars, US average energy mix and the why does co2 effect the eaths atmosphere and the greenhouse gases
When referring to Climate change, electric cars do not produce as much CO2 as non-electric cars. Conventional vehicles are more of a threat to the environment, as CO2 is bad for the ecosystem and produces gas in our atmosphere. The current research report above is relevant to the debate between conventional vehicles and non-conventional vehicles. […]
individual paper discussing one challenging issue in life comparing it to Eriksonian psychosocial stage and conceptsindividual paper discussing one challenging issue in life comparing it to Eriksonian psychosocial stage and concepts
The paper is supposed to be about me and one challening issue i am facingin life and i would then have to relate it to the theory that is shown in the outline, since you are writing the paper and not me, i will give you a few challenges i am facing which u can […]
for this assigment i need you to make a infographic poster about hand hygiene in onfection control tips areMake sure you use plain language and aren’t too technical (remember it is for the public) • Keep it informative, clean, and easy to followfor this assigment i need you to make a infographic poster about hand hygiene in onfection control tips areMake sure you use plain language and aren’t too technical (remember it is for the public) • Keep it informative, clean, and easy to follow
for this assigment i need you to make a infographic poster about hand hygiene in onfection control tips areMake sure you use plain language and aren’t too technical (remember it is for the public) • Keep it informative, clean, and easy to follow. Reference any work that is not your own using VANCOUVER style referencing.You […]
Dealing with insecurities, especially having hairy legs and arms, and having self growthDealing with insecurities, especially having hairy legs and arms, and having self growth
Start with an intro by setting the scene, the last sentence should introduce the main point. Next paragraph describes the experience or anecdote that the story is about in detail. Third paragraph is more of a transition that pivot the essay from the story to the growth and. Hanger that occurred because of that event. […]
Technology and Behavioral Health Research Paper-Topic Selection, Thesis Statement, and OutlineTechnology and Behavioral Health Research Paper-Topic Selection, Thesis Statement, and Outline
For this writing intensive course, you will write a research paper due in Topic 7 that has required components: Pre-writing-Thesis Statement and Outline Annotated bibliography Rough Draft Final Draft The completed parts of the paper will be submitted throughout this course as follows: Part 1- Topic Selection, Thesis Statement, and Outline due in Topic 1 Part 2- Annotated […]
Discuss the role of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Silver River Hydroelectric Dam Project. Outline the barriers to community participation and explain the simplification strategies to address these barriersDiscuss the role of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Silver River Hydroelectric Dam Project. Outline the barriers to community participation and explain the simplification strategies to address these barriers
Glucker, A.N., Driessen, P.P., Kolhoff, A., & Runhaar, H.A. (2017). Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment: Literature Review and Perspectives. Environmental Science & Policy, 33, 73-83. Sandham, L.A., Chabala, J.J., & Spaling, H.H. (2019). Participatory Rural Appraisal Approaches for Public Participation in EIA: Lessons from South Africa. Available at: Academia Spaling, H. (2003). Innovation in environmental assessment of community‐based […]
Navigating Organisational Change Amidst Global Political and Economic InstabilitiesNavigating Organisational Change Amidst Global Political and Economic Instabilities
Task 6000 words Read the following scenario and prepare a report with the guidelines provided. Scenario: Political instabilities and economic fluctuations have affected all organisations and the world as we have known it no longer exists. Throughout the world, organisations need to relook at the way they operate. Your task is to find a client organisation that […]
Assignment 5: Assessment, Treatment Plan, and Family Interview (Role Play Video)Assignment 5: Assessment, Treatment Plan, and Family Interview (Role Play Video)
Instructions Counseling Session Forms Before recording your counseling session, fill out the case conceptualization and clinical assessment forms, along with a treatment plan. Use the forms as a guide throughout your session and refer to key points within the documents during your role play video. Form 1: HUS3351-Case-Conceptualization-Systemic-2021 (3)-2.docx Download HUS3351-Case-Conceptualization-Systemic-2021 (3)-2.docxdownload. Form 2: HUS3351-Clinical-Assessment (3)-1.docx Download HUS3351-Clinical-Assessment (3)-1.docxdownload. […]
Comparative Reaction Paper : Multiple Chapters from The Art of Being: The Humanities as a Technique for LivingComparative Reaction Paper : Multiple Chapters from The Art of Being: The Humanities as a Technique for Living
The reaction paper is to be typed after reading chapters 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16 from your required textbook labeled as Literature, Theater, The Musical Stage: Opera, Musical Theater & Dance, Life-Affirmation, Nature and Freedom. Your Comparative Reaction Paper is due by 11:59p.m. (Broward County local time), via D2L on November 12, 2024. Use Microsoft Word, times new roman font, font size should […]