Discipline: Biology

The Master Builder: How the New Science of the Cell Is Rewriting the Story of Life book reportThe Master Builder: How the New Science of the Cell Is Rewriting the Story of Life book report

Each student will choose and read a book (non–fiction, 150 text page–minimum) related to a topic covered during this semester. The citation information willbe submitted for approval by the date of the second lecture exam (October 15).Citations must follow APA style (see http://library.lsco.edu/help/basic–citing–apa.pdf forguidelines). The report is due December 5 and is to be submitted […]

Talk about the microbes : Bacillus Falciparum, Trichomonas Vaginalis, and Glardia lambliaTalk about the microbes : Bacillus Falciparum, Trichomonas Vaginalis, and Glardia lamblia

discuss the following: For Bacillus Falciparum Does your microbe use cellular respiration to generate ATP? If so, what molecule serves as the final electron acceptor (often oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, or carbonate)? Does your microbe use fermentation to generate ATP? What is the fermentation product (often lactic acid or ethanol and carbon dioxide)? Does your microbe […]

BIOL180 Assignment 3: The Final Presentation- Indian Crested Porcupine (Hystrix Indica)BIOL180 Assignment 3: The Final Presentation- Indian Crested Porcupine (Hystrix Indica)

Note that less than 10% of your work should contain direct quotes. Proper use and pronunciation of scientific terminology are required.  For help with pronunciation, see this link: Cambridge Dictionary There must be visual elements (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures). Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding reference and title slides) and run approximately 5-10 […]

Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: Strategies for Appropriate Antibiotic Use in Medical PracticeAddressing Antibiotic Resistance: Strategies for Appropriate Antibiotic Use in Medical Practice

Antibiotic resistance has become a significant challenge in medical microbiology, affecting         patient outcomes and public health. Discuss the factors contributing to antibiotic resistance,       including the misuse of antibiotics and the evolution of resistant strains. Explore the role of             microbiologists in educating healthcare […]


Hi,  please help me write this lecture report on Avery and al, 1944 studies ( provided below). Focus on how Avery and al purified DNA. Focus on the methods. Elaborate on the improvement of DNA purification. don’t literally follow the whole paper, focus on the most important parts.   Make Discussion and interpretation throughout the report. […]

Synopsis of “The Significance of Pneumococcal Types” by Fred Griffith (1928)Synopsis of “The Significance of Pneumococcal Types” by Fred Griffith (1928)

Read and analyze this scientific literature. And help me write an 8 pages synopsis of this original scientific research papers. Half of the report should contain images. Use the tables from this article as the images for the report (crop them if you have to).  Write the report on the entire research paper but focus […]

Infectious Diseases of the Integumentary, Nervous, Cardiovascular, and Lymphatic SystemsInfectious Diseases of the Integumentary, Nervous, Cardiovascular, and Lymphatic Systems

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 19, 20, 21 Weekly Concepts Initial Post Instructions Some diseases are known as anatomical syndromes because they have similar signs and symptoms despite having different causative agents. A few examples include impetigo, cellulitis, neonatal conjunctivitis, keratitis, meningitis, acute and subacute encephalitis, and sepsis. For the discussion […]

Week 4: The Environmental Crisis of Industrial Pollution in the Citarum River, IndonesiaWeek 4: The Environmental Crisis of Industrial Pollution in the Citarum River, Indonesia

For your course project, you are going to tell a story about how people tackled (or are tackling) an environmental problem. The specific problem and context you focus on for your story is your “case.” The case that you choose for your course project must involve how a specific community or groups of people within […]

Molecular Genetic Connection Between Circadian Rhythms and Epilepsy Susceptibility at The Molecular LevelMolecular Genetic Connection Between Circadian Rhythms and Epilepsy Susceptibility at The Molecular Level

Abstract should: be a concise (max. 200 word) statement that includes the main findings and the principal conclusions of the project; be complete without reference to the rest of the report; usually be written only when the rest of the report is complete; not contain afterthoughts or statements that are not evident in the rest of […]