Discipline: Biology

Recall one of your most memorable encounters with insects and write a short conceptual response on the subject (approximately 4 slides).Recall one of your most memorable encounters with insects and write a short conceptual response on the subject (approximately 4 slides).

Recall one of your most memorable encounters with insects and write a short conceptual response on the subject (approximately 4 slides). Here are some tips for doing a good response: 1. Come up with a response, and then think about how you can use graphics to convey the story, rather than text. A little text […]

Could “Junk DNA” like repetitive and viral inserts or the structural DNA components be important in protecting us from UV and other damage?Could “Junk DNA” like repetitive and viral inserts or the structural DNA components be important in protecting us from UV and other damage?

The assignment instructions are in the word attached and the instructions from the professor are below: Googling “junk DNA” and “UV damage” together (https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=392315896b6345ed&rlz=1C1AVFC_enUS1069US1069&sxsrf=AHTn8zqa3VOREP0jKBXXfa8uJYPXGoCsow:1738788641966&q=uv+damage+%22junk%22+dna&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwif59-6tK2LAxVEFlkFHc_LEl0Q5t4CegQIRBAB&biw=1920&bih=953&dpr=1 to try to answer ii gets several potentially good pages and corrects the use of the term junk DNA to “non-coding DNA” or even more scientifically accurate terms like “transposable elements”. […]

How does microbial diversity in drinking water treatment systems impact the long-term sustainability and resilience of water purification processes?How does microbial diversity in drinking water treatment systems impact the long-term sustainability and resilience of water purification processes?

Your research topic, including everything you read, write, present, etc. must involve one or more species of microorganism (bacteria or archaea, or single-celled eukaryotes) and their interaction with another life form (can be with microorganisms, viruses, or humans). This is a microbiology course, so the bulk of your research should focus on the microorganisms. For […]

Why do you think biology is important? Give an example and explanation of how Biology affects your everyday life.Why do you think biology is important? Give an example and explanation of how Biology affects your everyday life.

Need 250 word minimun for the discussion topic. Also need two replys both 250 minimum. Reply posts below: 1. When it comes to the study of biology we must understand that it is the study of living organisms and how these organisms evolve overtime. In my opinion biology helps us understand nature versus nurture. Biology […]

What about being a student at BU most excites you? How do you hope to contribute to our campus community?What about being a student at BU most excites you? How do you hope to contribute to our campus community?

I want to be a great animal healthcare worker and animal advocate. I want biology as my undergraduate major to provide a strong foundation for becoming an animal healthcare worker.BU’s curriculum, extracurricular activities, and some of the animal protection organisations on campus have made my heart sing and I think this is the school I […]

How will you benefit from the program?How do you plan to contribute to the student community in Penn Engineering while you’re here?What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?How will you benefit from the program?How do you plan to contribute to the student community in Penn Engineering while you’re here?What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?

questions:How will you benefit from the program? How do you plan to contribute to the student community in Penn Engineering while you’re here? Why will you succeed in the program? What will you do/accomplish once you have completed the program?I am aware that a culture of stem cells can develop into a blood artery, a […]

Disucss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.Disucss an academic topic that you’re excited to explore and learn more about in college. Why does this topic interest you? Topics could be a specific course of study, research interests, or any other area related to your academic experience in college.

Biology captivated me from a young age, but nothing quite matched the thrill of attending a Whitehead Institute lecture on cellular regeneration. I remember standing there in my lab coat, peering through the dissecting microscope as I carefully sliced a planaria in two. At that moment, a rush of curiosity and awe washed over me—this […]

Commentary – In what ways can affective science benefit from insights gained through dream and consciousness research?Commentary – In what ways can affective science benefit from insights gained through dream and consciousness research?

Topic 3 writing task: Write a commentary Demšar & Windt, 2022 is the target article. Discuss: In what ways can affective science benefit from insights gained through dream and consciousness research? (as discussed in the chapter by Demšar & Windt, 2022). The idea is to address affective scientists as a consciousness and dream researcher and […]