Discipline: Biology

How the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and geneticsHow the study of human pregnancy advances our understanding of heredity and genetics

Please construct an essay in which you address the following: Discuss any difficulty you had in finding either the primary or secondary source, or both – was it easy to identify primary research and distinguish it from secondary sources? Was it easy to identify a valid secondary source and distinguish it from the rest of […]

Topic: What are bacteriophages? What is their significance in clinical microbiology?Topic: What are bacteriophages? What is their significance in clinical microbiology?

Topic: What are bacteriophages? What is their significance in clinical microbiology? This assignment will help you understand viruses. How can we use these viruses to treat bacterial infections? Directions This paper should be 2 pages in length in the English language, with Font 12, Times New Roman, and 1.5 spaced. It should have an introduction, a […]

Cars powered by fossil fuels are no worse than electric cars for the environmentCars powered by fossil fuels are no worse than electric cars for the environment

Introduction:    . Health risks and dangers  . How electrical cars are made.  Main point 1 (include the point backed up with a credible reference)   .  It matters how the electricity is made (By Hiroko Tabuchi and Brad Plumer)  Main point 2 (include the point backed up with a credible reference   . The toll of battery materials ( […]

Genetically Modified Products: RNA Interference [RNAi] (Natural cellular process for RNA molecules that inhibit gene expression by binding to complementary mRNA sequences)Genetically Modified Products: RNA Interference [RNAi] (Natural cellular process for RNA molecules that inhibit gene expression by binding to complementary mRNA sequences)

-The relevance and significance of your selected area in the Biotechnology industry. -Presentation and analyses of current ethical/societal challenges (see below) – Good organization and flow and following APA guidelines – Proper Citations Definition and description of RNA Interference [RNAi] (Natural cellular process for RNA molecules that inhibit gene expression by binding to complementary mRNA […]

Influence of cigarette butt leachate on Peroxidase Activity and Growth Rate of DuckweedInfluence of cigarette butt leachate on Peroxidase Activity and Growth Rate of Duckweed

example of other sections are in the pdf file –Result section– Elements to be included in the results section. (Note, the table and figure numbers below are not the ones you might use, especially if there are other tables and or other figures that will precede these in your paper. For example, your methods section […]

Annotated Bibliography (my grant proposal was about caffeine and how caffeine can cause heart attack )Annotated Bibliography (my grant proposal was about caffeine and how caffeine can cause heart attack )

AS Description: The annotated bibliography will be the first stage of the grant proposal. Here you will find 10 primary source articles from various databases and summarize each source. The summary must also include how you will incorporate the article into your paper. This assignment will use APA format. AS Instructions: The annotated bibliography with consist of […]

table summary of the all the organs and structures associated with the digestive systemtable summary of the all the organs and structures associated with the digestive system

  Create a table summary of the all the organs and structures associated with the digestive system. Give the function for each.  For example: stomach – chemical and mechanical breakdown.  Overview [Assignments tend to be short, 1 page low stakes writing assignments, such as article summaries. Insert a 1 -2 paragraph description of the goal […]

prominent / most prevalent disease associated with the digestive system in the United Statesprominent / most prevalent disease associated with the digestive system in the United States

 RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING AND REPLY TO 2 PEERS IN SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS: What do you think is the prominent / most prevalent disease associated with the digestive system in the US. Explain the cause, symptoms and treatment. Share references and any pictures you may have.  peer 1: Ngozi  ACID REFLUX  AND GERD  One of the most […]

Therapeutic potential of popular fermented dairy products and its benefits on human healthTherapeutic potential of popular fermented dairy products and its benefits on human health

Introduction (1/4 page): Describe briefly what are the main types of fermented dairy products and their nutritional value.  Discussion (1/2 page): Discuss the therapeutic potential effect of fermented dairy products on human health. (you may focus on the discussion of the therapeutic potential against one disease of your choice e.g. preventing cancer).  Conclusion (1/4 page): […]

Fetal-Placental disorders affecting growth and development such as pregnancy induced hypertension and intrauterine growth retardation and genomic imbalancesFetal-Placental disorders affecting growth and development such as pregnancy induced hypertension and intrauterine growth retardation and genomic imbalances

Please submit an outline of your final paper with at least five sources (not Google or Wikipedia) which you will use in your final paper. The idea is to provide feedback as you construct the final paper. There is no one way to write an outline, but the idea is to get the scaffolding of […]