Discipline: Biology

The specific aim of this proposal is to investigate the therapeutic potential of eRNA-mediated gene regulation in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).The specific aim of this proposal is to investigate the therapeutic potential of eRNA-mediated gene regulation in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Please post an initial post with your presentation slide deck as well as a link to your Zoom presentation. Your projects will be graded as follows: 50pts for your oral presentation (10 minutes MAX) 100pts for your proposal (25pts background, 25 points specific aims, 50 pts pitfalls/expected results) 100pts for your replies to 5 proposals […]

Module 1 Assessment Evolution, Population Genetics, Speciation, and Systematics PresentationModule 1 Assessment Evolution, Population Genetics, Speciation, and Systematics Presentation

Module 1 Evolution, Population Genetics, Speciation, and Systematics Assessment Presentation Option For this assessment, you will apply what you learned during this module to explain population genetics as if you were teaching the concept to a group of high school students.  T You should choose either this assessment or another module 1 assessment version. You […]

Your lab report will be written on the photosynthesis and respiration experiment you designed and conducted.Your lab report will be written on the photosynthesis and respiration experiment you designed and conducted.

You must have a minimum of 3 appropriate sources in addition to your lab manual (your manual does NOT count toward the 3-source minimum). At least one of these sources must be primary.  Your title should be original and appropriate for a scientific paper. You may only cite your manual in the methods section. Your introduction must contain […]

To what extent do different wavelengths of LED lights have on the growth of basil plants?To what extent do different wavelengths of LED lights have on the growth of basil plants?

My reserach question is, “To what extent do different wavelengths of LED lights have on the growth of basil plants?” This literature review will be integrated as part of a borader academic paper that will eventually have an experiment testing the different wavelengths on multiple basil plants. I want you to discuss the literature in […]

Read provided article and Write a description of the paper that addresses the following topics and questions:Read provided article and Write a description of the paper that addresses the following topics and questions:

The target audience is fellow scientists in training, so there is no need to oversimplify the concepts. Organize your writing logically, in a way that flows. In order to do so, you will need to write clearly, organize your thoughts in paragraphs, and be concise. The word limit for the writing assignment is 750 words. […]

Investigating the ideal gibberellic acid concentration to achieve a higher rate of plant growth in Phaseolus vulgaris.Investigating the ideal gibberellic acid concentration to achieve a higher rate of plant growth in Phaseolus vulgaris.

This would be an IB internal assessment for Biology Higher Level. I attached a draft with some feedback.  It should be around 12 pages of good-quality work. Including tables, graphs, and calculations that are appropriate. There is no specific data so it’s ok to estimate. I had 25 plants and I sprayed them with GA […]

New biochemical pathways for forming short-chain fatty acids during fermentation in rumen bacteria (New biochemical pathways for forming short-chain fatty acids during fermentation in rumen bacteria (

please include: (1) the complete title of the research article reviewed (2) names of all the authors (3) name of the journal and  year of publication and issue number/volume number and pages) in the beginning of the report. (4) Critical review of the article which include the following: 1. Rationale of the work (Describe the authors’ rationale […]

The biology essay consists of a paper and a presentation about a current biology issue of interest to you. ( Down sydrome)The biology essay consists of a paper and a presentation about a current biology issue of interest to you. ( Down sydrome)

Length: 500-700 words. There is no specific number of pages required as long as it fits within the word count requirement. Titles, headings, references, citations, and directly quoted materials are NOT included in the word count. The word count refers only to the body of the essay written by you.  Content: The essay must summarize the topic you chose and discuss […]

1. Recognize the components and functions of reflex arcs. 2. Differentiate homeostatic imbalances of the nervous system.1. Recognize the components and functions of reflex arcs. 2. Differentiate homeostatic imbalances of the nervous system.

This is a reflection essay General Reflection Requirements As part of your learning experience, active participation in the reflection is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your […]