Discipline: Biology

Read about the Five I’s in Microbiology: Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, and Identification.Read about the Five I’s in Microbiology: Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, and Identification.

Read about the Five I’s in Microbiology: Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, and Identification. In a one page paper, please:  Explain the process for each of the Five I’s of Microbiology and their order in within the laboratory.  Research which of the Five I’s may be the most difficult to complete. Provide an explanation for your reasoning. 

Using the concepts of constraint and contingency as a framework, investigate and discuss some of the proposed exceptions to Dollo’s Law which have arisen over the last 30 years.Using the concepts of constraint and contingency as a framework, investigate and discuss some of the proposed exceptions to Dollo’s Law which have arisen over the last 30 years.

Using the concepts of constraint and contingency as a framework, investigate and discuss some of the proposed exceptions to Dollo’s Law which have arisen over the last 30 years.

1. Differentiate the steps of the sliding filament theory. 2. Differentiate the different ways muscles obtain their energy supply.1. Differentiate the steps of the sliding filament theory. 2. Differentiate the different ways muscles obtain their energy supply.

The post should be in your own words and demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, and expected level of knowledge. The post should be in complete sentences and paragraph form. You should not have bullet points as they are not in complete sentences or paragraph form. Copy-pasting may result in a zero. To fully address the chosen […]

Germline mutations affecting the histone H4 core cause a developmental syndrome by altering DNA damage response and cell cycle controlGermline mutations affecting the histone H4 core cause a developmental syndrome by altering DNA damage response and cell cycle control

Goals & Learning Objectives Apply basic principles of molecular biology, gene expression, andMendelian genetics to analysis of a recent primary literature article inhuman genetics Interpret experiments from the primary literature Synthesize the results of individual experiments to draw appropriateconclusions Effectively communicate scientific questions, hypotheses, results, andconclusions Assess and evaluate the ability of other students to […]

CONCEPTUAL MODEL. Is it worthwhile to plant more Zostera marina, a temperate region seagrass found in the Chesapeake bay, in the lower reaches of a river where it was lost during a prolonged marine heatwave that raised water temperature ?CONCEPTUAL MODEL. Is it worthwhile to plant more Zostera marina, a temperate region seagrass found in the Chesapeake bay, in the lower reaches of a river where it was lost during a prolonged marine heatwave that raised water temperature ?

1. brief description for each component included in the conceptual model ( the state variable), its interaction with other components ( the processes) and the currency( nitrogen, energy) you are using for the conceptual model 2. a diagram showing how the components interact 3. relevant references for the information used to develop the conceptual model […]

Personal Scientific Article selection and “Creating a search statement” (Thurs 29 Feb)Personal Scientific Article selection and “Creating a search statement” (Thurs 29 Feb)

Personal Scientific Article selection and “Creating a search statement” (Thurs 29 Feb) Turn in 2 things: 1) Scientific Article selection Write out your NAME and the full Harvard reference of your selected Scientific Article here. Please also specify the author(s) that are from ANU. Read through previous student posts to make sure you have selected your own unique article 2) […]

Select a disease, find resources, and describe risk factors and symptoms. Suggestions could include one of the following diseases: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancerSelect a disease, find resources, and describe risk factors and symptoms. Suggestions could include one of the following diseases: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer

What is the nature of the disease( origin or cause)? Are the multiple stages of the disease? What are the signs and symptoms? What physiological changes occur? What are the risk factors for this disease? Are these modifiable( for example, you could stop smoking, or eat less saturated fat). How do the risk factors affect […]

Answer thr questions based on instructions for Biological Hazards and Human HealthAnswer thr questions based on instructions for Biological Hazards and Human Health

Please find the videos, questions, and marking scheme below and carefully watch all videos to find answers to all questions. All students in group 5 must participate in the discussion and answer the Q1, Q2, and Q3 scheme on Quercus following the mark distribution, answer guideline, and marking scheme  Videos on Biological Hazards and Human […]

part 1 Week 8 Discussion: Microbiology around us, part 2 Week 9 Discussion: Microbiology around uspart 1 Week 8 Discussion: Microbiology around us, part 2 Week 9 Discussion: Microbiology around us

part 1 instructions Discussion Board Week 8: Microbiology Around Us 1111 unread replies.1111 replies. Week 8Discussion: Microbiology around us The Discussion boards in this course are an opportunity for the student to explore, learn and share current events in the world of Microbiology. The course will equip you with tools to better understand the basic […]

1. Classify the movements allowed by synovial joints. 2. Differentiate the homeostatic imbalances of joints.1. Classify the movements allowed by synovial joints. 2. Differentiate the homeostatic imbalances of joints.

General Reflection Requirements As part of your learning experience, active participation in the reflection is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your post is due by day […]