Discipline: Biology

Final: The connection between the destruction of nature, human medicine and ecologyFinal: The connection between the destruction of nature, human medicine and ecology

You will read two papers: 1. Why infectious disease research needs community ecology (pdf attached below) 2. Infectious disease in an era of global change (pdf attached below) What you will submit: Write more than four (minimum) paragraphs of at least 200 words each (TOTAL MINIMUM 1200 words):  First paragraph should summarizing the main points of Why infectious disease […]

Tabulated Format: Exploring the Neurological bases for Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive DisordersTabulated Format: Exploring the Neurological bases for Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders

There are two steps to this assignment:  Step 1: Choose one Neurodevelopmental Disorder (from either Intellectual Disability or ADHD), and two Neurocognitive Disorders (from the following: Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or Traumatic Brain Injury or Vascular Dementia). You will need to choose three disorders in total. These must be disorders listed with full diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 (see Unit Resources for link to the DSM-5 […]

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

This is a UC’s personal insight question essay Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced. Let’s establish one fundamental thing: this prompt asks that you write about an education opportunity OR barrier – not both! So you’ve got to make a […]

Cancer rates rising.. Are chemicals to blame or is it biological or both? Other factors?Cancer rates rising.. Are chemicals to blame or is it biological or both? Other factors?

Amidst extensive research already spotlighting an increase in new cancer cases among younger individuals, groundbreaking studies are now examining cancer patterns among diverse racial groups. For instance, a new study seeks to investigate which factors might contribute to the disproportionate diagnosis of late-stage cancers and increasing mortality rates among American African women despite a decline […]

Eukaryotic Cell (Animal Cell & Plant Cell Structures) and Comparison between Animal and Plant CellEukaryotic Cell (Animal Cell & Plant Cell Structures) and Comparison between Animal and Plant Cell

Table of Contents’ page: Table of Contents (TOC) should always  come after your title page. Center and Bold the words Table of Contents. In TOC give the main sections of your paper and the page number of where those sections begin. When formatting your TOC, be sure to use the “Tabs” option under the Formatting Toolbar, as that will help you create leaders and align your page numbers.    […]

The Deveolpment of the immure systems in children versus adults and how that affects the treatment of Malaria.The Deveolpment of the immure systems in children versus adults and how that affects the treatment of Malaria.

SEE ATTACHED SAMPLE You must have 20 additional PRIMARY RESOURCES FROM GOGLE SCHOLAR ON The deveoloment of the imume systems in children versus adults and how that affects the treatment of Malaria.  For this assignment, start putting your information into a detailed outline format that will help guide you for the final proposal. Feel free […]

Identification of Unknown Bacteria: Help save baby Kuppelfangs from an epidemic! Lab ReportIdentification of Unknown Bacteria: Help save baby Kuppelfangs from an epidemic! Lab Report

Touchstone 4: Identification of Unknown Bacteria: Help save baby Kuppelfangs from an epidemic! Lab Report ASSIGNMENT: In this unit, you will complete the lab titled Identification of Unknown Bacteria: Help save baby Kuppelfangs from an epidemic!. Now it is time to write up your lab report describing the hypothesis and conclusions you drew from the lab experience.By […]

The long noncoding RNA H19 promotes tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer via autophagyThe long noncoding RNA H19 promotes tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer via autophagy

Summary of Guidelines: PowerPoint: Slide design and format: choose conservatively (Refer to Module 1 videos which describe the slide design and format). Organization of materials: Should follow the format provided in Module 1. Quick reminders and pointers here: Introduction: Since the entire class already has background information about endocrine resistance in breast cancer, you should not spend […]

The Impact of Inadequate Sleep on Student Health and Academic Performance: The Role of Energy DrinksThe Impact of Inadequate Sleep on Student Health and Academic Performance: The Role of Energy Drinks

https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/sleep/why-sleep-important#:~:text=During%20sleep%2C%20your%20body%20is,long%2Dterm)%20health%20problems https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/public-education/brain-basics/brain-basics-understanding-sleep https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/public-education/brain-basics/brain-basics-understanding-sleep#:~:text=Sleep%2Dpromoting%20cells%20within%20the,hypothalamus%20and%20the%20brain%20stem https://sleepopolis.com/education/energy-drinks-and-sleep/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6550515/ https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-deprivation/sleep-deprivation-and-reaction-time https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376871608002858 https://www.statista.com/statistics/235185/leading-20-energy-drink-brands-in-the-united-states-based-on-sales/ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/are-energy-drinks-bad-for-you https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11325-012-0792-1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6377981/ https://sleepopolis.com/education/energy-drinks-and-sleep/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22347688/ https://sleepopolis.com/education/energy-drinks-and-sleep/