Discipline: Biology

In Overweight adults diagnosed with HTN, how does adherence to a mediterranean diet compared to standard low sodium diet affects blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk over a 12-month period?In Overweight adults diagnosed with HTN, how does adherence to a mediterranean diet compared to standard low sodium diet affects blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk over a 12-month period?

Title page (to include the question, authors name and school informatio excutive summar: one page summary of intent, purpose and conclusion,  intriduction : introduce your questionf and reaasoning behind your question Body of the paper: explain how you intend to answer your question, use resrources form your bibliogrophy to prove your hypothesis. conclusion/recommendation: discuss your […]

Extracellular Metabolism: Starch Agar, Skim Milk (Casein) Agar, DNase Agar, and Blood AgarExtracellular Metabolism: Starch Agar, Skim Milk (Casein) Agar, DNase Agar, and Blood Agar

This lab report is about Extracellular Metabolism. In the file are the notes that will help you with the information for this assignment on page (64). As well in the file is an example of the format how this lab report should be done.  There are 5 photos of the results l obtained in this […]

Analysis of cosmetic foundation using liquid chromatography -mass spectrometry 2Analysis of cosmetic foundation using liquid chromatography -mass spectrometry 2

For this presentation, you will upload your research paper including the rest of the sections: title, abstract, introduction with all in text citations, methods, results, and discussion of results. For the discussion, make sure you discuss the relevant peaks in your spectrum that confirm what your sample is and how it was analyzed. Be as […]

Interaction between flavonoids and CYPs and their effect on specific chemotherapeutics?Interaction between flavonoids and CYPs and their effect on specific chemotherapeutics?

Okay so this is a group work where we have to write about the interactions between CYPs and phytotherapeutics. I only want you to write my parts of this group work essay. In the attached document (“Highlighted subtitles”), you’ll find highlighted subtitles along with my name (Sara) next to them. Those are representing my parts […]

the semester-long PTC-genotyping/phenotyping experiment by extracting personal genomic DNA from cheek cells and testing if we can taste PTC controlled by TAS2R38 gene.the semester-long PTC-genotyping/phenotyping experiment by extracting personal genomic DNA from cheek cells and testing if we can taste PTC controlled by TAS2R38 gene.

Paper should be written in order of : Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods ,Results,Discussion,Conclusion. Include figure and other sources if taken with proper citation and reference. use rstudio for the metadata file and attached are the gel electrophorosis picture from labs which have unspecified result so in the conclusion write accordingly and aslo use […]

Investigating the Rate of Cellular Respiration in Different Types of Germinating Seeds Formal Lab ReportInvestigating the Rate of Cellular Respiration in Different Types of Germinating Seeds Formal Lab Report

Hello, I would need a formal lab report writtin on “Investigating the Rate of Cellular Respiration in Different Types of Germinating Seeds”.   I Have attchted an example on how it should be written., its Called “Isopod habit selection lab report” More instructions : In general, the lab report should be neatly typed, organized, and presented […]

Laboratory Techniques in DNA Manipulation Bioinformatics, PCR Cloning and DNA Manipulation Laboratory ReportLaboratory Techniques in DNA Manipulation Bioinformatics, PCR Cloning and DNA Manipulation Laboratory Report

Please complete the lab report as per the document instructions ! Pleaes no AI, and make sure to follow the instructions. it’s based on gene x I counted 1050 words total required, probably/maybe some sources for support. there are 2 images from the results experiment day… (colony PCR) MOD007185:Laboratory Techniques in DNA Manipulation Bioinformatics, PCR […]

The impact of hydrogen rich water on the gut microbiome based on studies on rodentsThe impact of hydrogen rich water on the gut microbiome based on studies on rodents

This paper is for my Seminar Research class. The topic I’ve chosen for my REVIEW PAPER is  “The impact of hydrogen-rich water on gut microbiome based on studies on rodents.” I need a minimum of 10 full pages of writing. Please ensure to include pictures along with going   above and beyond to help me succeed […]

Chapter 08 Environmental Science in Action: Where Have All the European Honeybees Gone?Chapter 08 Environmental Science in Action: Where Have All the European Honeybees Gone?

Complete a 350-word reflective response demonstrating your application of major takeaways from the content video/lecture. Title: Chapter 08 Environmental Science in Action: Where Have All the European Honeybees Gone? VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/oz1Cz8ko8iY Describe the content and its application to your personal and/or educational development. (20 pts.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz1Cz8ko8iY

Grant Proposal Introduction ( my grant proposal about caffeine and how can cause heart attack )Grant Proposal Introduction ( my grant proposal about caffeine and how can cause heart attack )

AS Description: In this unit’s assignment, you will write an introduction to your grant proposal in proper APA format, with a minimum of three in-text citations of primary research articles. This will inform the reader of known information about your topic and lead into your hypothesis. AS Instructions: The introduction should be a minimum of 2 pages, […]