Discipline: Business and Management

02-W3: Choose Your Own Adventure: Affirmative Action or Religious Accommodations02-W3: Choose Your Own Adventure: Affirmative Action or Religious Accommodations

W3: Choose Your Own Adventure: Affirmative Action or Religious Accommodations Choose one of the following 1.    Is Affirmative Action (either formal affirmative action plans or organizational policies that support the same goals) necessary in the current workforce? Why or why not? Use at least one resource from this week’s assigned content to inform your […]

I posted details in instruction. How the supreme court rule whether the uber and lift driver are employee or I independent contractor? How do you think the court would rule? Please watch two videos and the articles. I attachedI posted details in instruction. How the supreme court rule whether the uber and lift driver are employee or I independent contractor? How do you think the court would rule? Please watch two videos and the articles. I attached

read these two article and two short videos. and then ” Assume the Supreme Court is ruling on the issue of whether Uber/Lyft drivers are employees or independent contractors (assume there is no state law at issue like in California). Based on the law and the IRS 20 Factor Analysis (posted on Blackboard), how do […]

Identify and discuss the key elements of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage through strategic planning.Identify and discuss the key elements of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage through strategic planning.

Identify and discuss the key elements of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage through strategic planning. To complete this discussion, Develop a 400 – 500-word thoughtful, scholarly discussion post which includes: Define what is competitive advantage. Describe what is strategic planning. Identify and describe the key elements of gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage through […]

Анализ на работната среда в компания Булстрад Живот и насоки за усъвършенстването ѝ, който да доведат до подобряване на работната среда и развитието ѝАнализ на работната среда в компания Булстрад Живот и насоки за усъвършенстването ѝ, който да доведат до подобряване на работната среда и развитието ѝ

Идентифицирайте ключовите компоненти на корпоративната култура и анализирайте тяхната роля. Изследвайте и опишете основните елементи на организационната култура на избраната компания. Това включва, но не се ограничава до, структура, стойности, норми, символи, език, ритуали и митове, които се споделят между служителите. Оценете въздействието на организационната култура върху ефективността и успеха на компанията в международен мащаб. […]

Literature Review in Assistive Technology Specifically in people with DisabilitiesLiterature Review in Assistive Technology Specifically in people with Disabilities

This week, you will write a review of literature based on the technology you are investigating for your Course Project. A review of literature may be defined as an analysis of published information in a particular subject area. It has some similarities to an annotated bibliography, which you have completed in a previous class, but […]

Today’s business environment requires emotional intelligence (EI) for intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. As a business professional, it is essential that you apply the principles of EI to positively impact the effectiveness of the organization.Today’s business environment requires emotional intelligence (EI) for intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. As a business professional, it is essential that you apply the principles of EI to positively impact the effectiveness of the organization.

D082 Task 1 Template and Tips To access the official Task Instructions and Grading Rubric, please click on the “View Task” links on your main D082 Course of Study page.  You can either copy/paste this template into a Word document or you can click on the Word attachment at the bottom of this page.     A. […]

Change Capacity, Change Capability and the Impact on Talent Management AssignmentChange Capacity, Change Capability and the Impact on Talent Management Assignment

Assignment Description  Address the following:  Provide a clear and concise definition of Change Capacity and Change Capability.  Discuss how these concepts differ and complement each other in the context of talent management.  Discuss how organizations with high Change Capacity and Capability are better equipped to navigate the challenges of talent management in a rapidly changing […]

Emotional Intelligence The graduate applies emotional intelligence (EI) to improve intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions.Emotional Intelligence The graduate applies emotional intelligence (EI) to improve intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions.

EMOTIONAL AND CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE — D082 PRFA — CHM1 TASK OVERVIEWSUBMISSIONSEVALUATION REPORT COMPETENCIES 3082.1.1 : Emotional Intelligence The graduate applies emotional intelligence (EI) to improve intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. INTRODUCTION Today’s business environment requires emotional intelligence (EI) for intrapersonal and interpersonal interactions. As a business professional, it is essential that you apply the principles of EI to […]

A critical evaluation of the models, concepts, and contemporary practices of Human Resource Management and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisationsA critical evaluation of the models, concepts, and contemporary practices of Human Resource Management and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisations

Essay title:  A critical evaluation of the models, concepts, and contemporary practices of Human Resource Management and why they are essential for 21st century tourism organisations. The essay must:  1. Explore the HRM function in organisations and the different approaches to understanding HRM.  2. Examine how a Human Resources (HR) department can manage employee resourcing […]

Economic Analysis Report | Part 1 – Company Selection and Challenges/Problem and IdentificationEconomic Analysis Report | Part 1 – Company Selection and Challenges/Problem and Identification

**HEALTCARE INDUSTRY–skilled nursing facility** Identify an industry that you have worked in, or one with which you are familiar. Select a company within that industry and write a report that summarizes the industry’s current market conditions and identifies key challenges that the company may need to address.  Describe the industry’s current market conditions by considering local and […]