Discipline: Business and Management

Understand the exposure and manage the risk regarding eu ets(shipowner-dry bulk cargo vessels)Understand the exposure and manage the risk regarding eu ets(shipowner-dry bulk cargo vessels)

Attached you will find the following: 1) Proposal Example: about 15-20 pages  What my proposal should include to the attached(1) —> 3 chapters with a preamble: Introduction (Backround, Relevance of the research-Stakeholders analysis, Problem backround-description, Problem statement, Research objectives, Main Research question, Subquestion(s),The structure of the report), Theoritical Framework (End your theoretical framework chapter with […]

In either case, the topic and area of study will be of your own choosing and development. It is part of the ‘learning’ of the Project module that you are able to choose, decide a justifiable and feasible research topic in a relevant HRM area.In either case, the topic and area of study will be of your own choosing and development. It is part of the ‘learning’ of the Project module that you are able to choose, decide a justifiable and feasible research topic in a relevant HRM area.

 The assessment for this module is based on one coursework, 100% weighted, which is an individual research project report. This research project is built on the research project proposal which you passed as assessment for the 7HURM017W Research Methods module.  The pass mark for the 7HURM016W HRM Project module is 50%. If your […]

Module 1: Discussion: A Creative Mindset and Module 1 Discussion: The Impact of Design Thinking on BusinessModule 1: Discussion: A Creative Mindset and Module 1 Discussion: The Impact of Design Thinking on Business

After watching “How to Build your Creative Confidence“, share how you would rate your own creative confidence and how you use creative thinking in your life and the ways it may feel natural or unfamiliar.  Guidelines: Your initial post (suggested minimum 200-250 words Module 1 Discussion: The Impact of Design Thinking on Business Contains unread […]

Strategic Opportunity MGT – Alternative Buyer Research Report and Acquisition Road MapStrategic Opportunity MGT – Alternative Buyer Research Report and Acquisition Road Map

Scenario You are a business development manager reporting to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life sciences organizations in the Midwest. The owners are ready to sell the organization and have identified a potential buyer. You have been working with the strategic planning team to ensure that the acquisition […]

A critical reflection on Australia’s relationship with another country in the Asia-Pacific.A critical reflection on Australia’s relationship with another country in the Asia-Pacific.

A critical reflection on Australia’s relationship with another country in the Asia-Pacific. (Preferably CHINA) The aim of this exercise is to develop a critical reflection that offers advice for people wanting to start a business in your chosen industry in your chosen country. You will need to use literature to support your reflection. You will collect […]

For this discussion, you will conduct research on the economic development of one of the three developing regions listed (India, South Korea, and Africa).For this discussion, you will conduct research on the economic development of one of the three developing regions listed (India, South Korea, and Africa).

For this discussion, you will conduct research on the economic development of one of the three developing regions listed (India, South Korea, and  Africa). The research should cover the impact political, legal, and economic systems have on the country’s growth. Additionally, part of your comments should discuss the impact that their systems have had on […]

Does artificial intelligence induce job displacement in the industrial sector in Saudi Arabia?Does artificial intelligence induce job displacement in the industrial sector in Saudi Arabia?

providing a coherent research programme which can be completed within the timescale at the level required for the award and which includes: Relevant background to the research (literature review);1- Research aims/ questions;2- An indicative research methodology;3- A statement of the project’s distinctiveness and likely contribution to knowledge.4- -create theoretical model related to hypothesis 5-  

comparing and analyzing the approaches outlined in the GAO report and the articlecomparing and analyzing the approaches outlined in the GAO report and the article

Review the two reports listed below: Milinarchik, C., & Myers, J. (2016). Other transaction authority: Acquiring innovative technology and research by avoiding the regulatory burden of traditional government contracting. Contract Management, 56(10), 68-73.  APUS Library   Sullivan, M. J., et al. (2015). Acquisition reform: DOD should streamline Its decision-making process for weapon systems to reduce inefficiencies. (GAO-15-192). […]

Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses Expanding into the European UnionExploring the Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses Expanding into the European Union

Considering more countries have joined and some are in the process of joining the EU; assess the opportunities and challenges for firms of doing business in the European Union (EU). These firms are not necessarily within the EU already, they could be outside of the European Union at the moment, but intending to do business […]

Discuss why it’s becoming increasingly important to view information systems and technology from a sociotechnical aspect,Discuss why it’s becoming increasingly important to view information systems and technology from a sociotechnical aspect,

Taking into account the information in your text, the enclosed link and any other information you find, Discuss why it’s becoming increasingly important to view information systems and technology from a sociotechnical aspect, https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/IS-information-system-or-information-services#:~:text=An%20information%20system%20(IS)%20is,raw%20data%20into%20useful%20information. use the link to answer the question and find two more other to answer to question