Discipline: Business and Management

i. Company: Apple Inc. is a multinational technology corporation known to be innovative with products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers. The organization is a renowned Fortune 500 companyi. Company: Apple Inc. is a multinational technology corporation known to be innovative with products like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac computers. The organization is a renowned Fortune 500 company

Continue your work with the company you selected in Week 1.(APPLE IS THE COMPANY)    In preparation for the Week 4 Summative Assessment, compare and evaluate the performance of the market and the Fortune 500 company selected in week one. Assess the market and the company’s performance between 2021 and 2022.       In a 1- to […]


You have been selected by the CEO of your organization (or another organization you know well) to give a series of presentations to managers aimed at helping build a positive, inclusive culture that drives employee engagement. You will develop and submit this series of presentations in Weeks 1–3. To begin, select a specific organization that […]

Human Resources EXPERT WRITER NEEDED: Making Effective Decisions and Creating Quality Strategies Speech (Report)Human Resources EXPERT WRITER NEEDED: Making Effective Decisions and Creating Quality Strategies Speech (Report)

Scenario Since 2020, you have been employed by Organization XYZ as a HR Specialist. In January of 2023, your past supervisor, Don, decided to retire. Therefore, as of February of 2023, you assumed the role of Human Resource Director. Although you and Don worked collaboratively together, over past 3 years, Don handled most decision making. […]

how does the use of Artificial Intelligence impact the learning of international students at the university of the west of england.how does the use of Artificial Intelligence impact the learning of international students at the university of the west of england.

Spacing:​​1 ½ or double line spacing Font size:​​12 font size You are asked to play the part of a business researcher, submitting a proposal document to the client for their approval of your plan to research the question you choose. In order to create an appropriate proposal, you are required to analyse the existing academic literature […]

You should identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company currently faces, and analyse it in the context of the company’s existing responsible management practices.You should identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company currently faces, and analyse it in the context of the company’s existing responsible management practices.

You are requested to write a consultancy report of 2,200 words. You should identify ONE major responsible management challenge your case company currently faces, and analyse it in the context of the company’s existing responsible management practices. You should then make recommendations for how the company should address the challenge through a combination of  TWO or THREE  different business functions covered in the module  (e.g. business models, strategy, communications, HRM, […]

Analyse the implementation of organisational change in a case study of your choice using either “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual frameworkAnalyse the implementation of organisational change in a case study of your choice using either “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual framework

Analyse the implementation of organisational change in a case study of your choice using either “conversational” or a “contextual” conceptual framework. Then, critically reflect on (a) the strengths and weaknesses of your analysis, (b) your own experience/s of organisational change, (c) and how your learning on the module will inform your future practice I have […]

roles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch, Congress, and defense industry in Defense Acquisitionroles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch, Congress, and defense industry in Defense Acquisition

Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch, Congress, and defense industry in Defense Acquisition, and where defense acquisition authority is derived. For this paper, you will need to find an article in the library (https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/) that relates to the roles and responsibilities of at least one branch of government where acquisition authority is derived. […]

Using the dimensions from Chapter 8’s Organizational Culture Profile (OCP), you’ll assess the strengths and weaknesses of the culture.Using the dimensions from Chapter 8’s Organizational Culture Profile (OCP), you’ll assess the strengths and weaknesses of the culture.

Understanding an organization’s culture is important for creating a positive work environment. It involves recognizing both negative and positive cultural aspects. This assignment focuses on analyzing the organizational culture of a specific organization you’re familiar with or have studied. Using the dimensions from Chapter 8’s Organizational Culture Profile (OCP), you’ll assess the strengths and weaknesses […]

a real-life company and analyse their international supply chain networks and give recommendations for improving their global supply chain. Using secondary sources of information and prepare an individual reporta real-life company and analyse their international supply chain networks and give recommendations for improving their global supply chain. Using secondary sources of information and prepare an individual report

Hello , for this project I have selected the company “Uber “- I have pasted below the university guidelines for the project. attached is the guideline from the professor specifically. I would like you to write the essay as per the university guidlines and add diagrams specifically to each section as per the Professor’s guidelines […]

Explain how the following contract types allocate risk between a client and a contractor in decentralized projects, and assess the merits and limitations of each: Fixed-price contract, Cost-plus contract, Performance-based contract & Incentive ContractExplain how the following contract types allocate risk between a client and a contractor in decentralized projects, and assess the merits and limitations of each: Fixed-price contract, Cost-plus contract, Performance-based contract & Incentive Contract

Sources are listed in two places The first, a citation, is briefly listed in your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references. The second, a reference, Is at the end of your work in the list of reference section Please use (1) source from the textbook. (H) Project […]