Discipline: Communications and Media

Final Exam: importance of audience analysis, verbal and non verbal communication, special occasion speeches, informative speeches, and persuasive speeches.Final Exam: importance of audience analysis, verbal and non verbal communication, special occasion speeches, informative speeches, and persuasive speeches.

Final Exam (80 points)- Any essay shorter than 2 pages will be docked points. Throughout the semester, we have discussed the importance of audience analysis, verbal and non verbal communication, special occasion speeches, informative speeches, and persuasive speeches. In a 2-3 page essay, please explain your knowledge on public speaking and how you will apply […]

Scholarly Research Paper – The Power of Influence: Exploring Media Impact on the Makeup IndustryScholarly Research Paper – The Power of Influence: Exploring Media Impact on the Makeup Industry

HOW DOES THE MEDIA INFLUENCE THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY, SPECIALIZING IN  SELF -ESTEEM: A research-only project  focuses on conducting primary research to address a  mass communication, advertising or public relations objective. Project B combines both primary and secondary research. Primaryresearch means you are conducting your own study, experiment, or investigation. The information you are gaining is […]

Enhancing Interactive Learning and Student Engagement through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Education.Enhancing Interactive Learning and Student Engagement through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in Education.

I included a rubric of what’s expected for the recommendation report and my previous 2 assignmnets regarding this topic. I removed my name, professor’s name, and school name for confidentiality. When creating the report, feel free to leave a blank or also put in parenthesis where the student’s name, professor name, or school name would […]

Read the instructions in the instructions and files sections, and read the files attached in order to be able to do the assignment. Do not use AIRead the instructions in the instructions and files sections, and read the files attached in order to be able to do the assignment. Do not use AI

Bring it all together in this journal by discussing concepts we’ve covered which apply to you, and answer the following questions in separate paragraph( label each question in your paper so that I will know which question goes to your answer): Question 1. Read the file named ” cases in Leadership, ch 2, Trait Approach1″, […]

Podcast Script + Reflection (Theory of the Digital – AI, Modern Surveillance, Technology)Podcast Script + Reflection (Theory of the Digital – AI, Modern Surveillance, Technology)

I need a script for a 4-5 minute podcast (a creative media project) for my class “Theory of the Digital”. The project will be based on the texts, Simone Browne’s “Race and Surveillance” and Hito Steyerl’s “Mean Images”. But it should not be a textual analysis of the texts. If possible, include where I should […]

Discuss a specific area of film. Choose any genre, subject, franchise in the film world of your liking.Discuss a specific area of film. Choose any genre, subject, franchise in the film world of your liking.

COM – 109 Final ProjectFor your Final project (PAPER #4) you will cover/discuss a specific area of film.Choose any genre, subject, franchise in the film world of your liking.The project must be informative. Pretend your readers have never heard about yoursubject matter; what should we know about it as a way of introduction?The paper should […]

Mental Health and Technology: The Role of Technology in Offering Communication Resources to those coping with Mental Health Issues in Rural AreasMental Health and Technology: The Role of Technology in Offering Communication Resources to those coping with Mental Health Issues in Rural Areas

I think this is an excellent start to your literature review. Please see below for my comments to further improve your literature as you move toward completing your final research paper: Draw Clear Connections to the Research Question/Hypothesis: Clearly explain how each piece of evidence or research finding relates to your main argument. The literature […]

Framing the narrative. A BBC, ITV and Sky Media Analysis of the Qatar World Cup and it’s Influence on Public PerceptionFraming the narrative. A BBC, ITV and Sky Media Analysis of the Qatar World Cup and it’s Influence on Public Perception

I’m interested in you commissioning an in-depth UK analysis of ITV, SKY and BBC’s coverage before and during the Qatar World Cup. The focus of this analysis should be on identifying key themes that these broadcasters emphasized both in the run-up to and during the World Cup. It would be particularly valuable to include specific […]

Infographic Project: Assignment 3 – Peer Reviews and Showcase 3535 unread replies.3535 replies.Infographic Project: Assignment 3 – Peer Reviews and Showcase 3535 unread replies.3535 replies.

Students are to peer-review at least 2 students’ infographics using following criteria: Soundness, Utility, Visual impact. Be sure all Infographics are getting reviewed. Select an Infographic without a review, before adding a review to an Infographic with many comments. Please answer the following questions and post them as a comment to the selected infographic. 1. […]

Discussion Board 8: Dialogue Across Difference Of Communication & Conflict Management CourseDiscussion Board 8: Dialogue Across Difference Of Communication & Conflict Management Course

This week is a “choose your own adventure” discussion board. For this assignment, please answer this prompt to discuss: Identify a political debate/issue in which fear of an “other” is used to influence people’s attitudes about that issue (and its “ideal” solution). Who or what is the fear targeting? In what way is othering used to […]