Discipline: Communications and Media

A Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Starbucks Advertising Styles in the US and JapanA Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Starbucks Advertising Styles in the US and Japan

I need 2 sources added to a completed paper. These are the notes of what needs to be changed: You demonstrated your ability to critically analyze academic journal articles. Information was carefully organized. Also, you evaluated the article by addressing how the article is relevant to your topic in the final research proposal. Indeed, your […]

How Alice: Madness Returns uses Game Elements to Represent and Explore Alice’s Trauma and Mental HealthHow Alice: Madness Returns uses Game Elements to Represent and Explore Alice’s Trauma and Mental Health

Here is all the info needed to help me finish this essay, I’ve already started it and got a bunch of research but an emergency came up and I don’t have the time to finish it. Essay Doc is where the essay has been started, in apa format. https://docs.google.com/document/d/106phih7-uITqV2RBqpzN14glS650cKErfYUZ23331cs/edit?usp=sharingAssignment Description https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dKz9FsDBoks48FR8OhcYqsSVrJrTPfc4Lqb6DCtiJm8/edit?usp=sharingExtra info and research, majority […]

e-Briefing Analysis #2: “Making Sense of the Interpretive & Critical Paradigmatic Perspectives”e-Briefing Analysis #2: “Making Sense of the Interpretive & Critical Paradigmatic Perspectives”

Here is a slidecast of me explaining this assignment: https://youtu.be/4wKxCCSQPEQLinks to an external site. Read Below (and Assignment Is Also in the Link Below): De-Briefing Analysis 2 Assignment.docx Actions Required Length: A completed 8-10 page double-spaced, typed analysis template (as explained below) Assignment Objectives: In this assignment, the student will be able: To unpack and […]

Research purposal on what how factors of personal and outside life effect academic successResearch purposal on what how factors of personal and outside life effect academic success

You will write in APA formatting with correct citations and references. Additionally, you will need an intro, abstract, title page, objective literature review, methodological approach (quant, qualitative, mixed, etc.), hypotheses or research questions, and an explanation of why you would choose that research method. The introduction should be a short paragraph but the abstract should […]

Research Proposal Topic: “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education and Workforce Dynamics: Transformations and Implications”Research Proposal Topic: “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education and Workforce Dynamics: Transformations and Implications”

Follow APA style for formatting and citations; expecting a title page, Times New Roman, 1” margins, double spacing. Need proper APA Style in-text and reference list citations. Expectations: 3-4 pages of literature review; 3-4 pages of proposal; Total: 6-8 pages; with at least 5 academic PEER-Reviewed sources discussed/cited in the text. What is a research […]

Examining the impact of Gestures and its Intersection on Nonverbal CommunicationExamining the impact of Gestures and its Intersection on Nonverbal Communication

This paper requires you to examine original research articles on your topic of interest. This paper should synthesize the articles that you examined, presenting the major findings, and it should be organized into three labeled thematic subsections. Please note my use of the word synthesize. I do not want a separate summary of each article; […]

Critical essay about Institutional Approach to the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Academic IntegrityCritical essay about Institutional Approach to the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity

Instructions: Write a critical essay that takes University of Warwick, Institutional Approach to the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity (2023) as a starting point. Use a key quotation from the document to frame your analysis, linking this to relevant readings from the syllabus. Your essay should establish a clear critical argument inspired by […]

Write a couple paragraphs on 2 questions than review some concepts of intercultural communicationsWrite a couple paragraphs on 2 questions than review some concepts of intercultural communications

Using the following articles and your own research on the topic as your case study answer the first two questions questions in 2-3 paragraphs each. Be sure to refer to and cite the articles, our textbook, and any additional resources you find. Question #1 https://www.responsiblevacation.com/copy/overtourism-in-venice#:~:text=Venice%20has%20become%20too%20expensive,more%20fulltime%20residents%20%5B2%5D. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/venice-separates-tourists-and-locals/index.html https://veneziaautentica.com/impact-tourism-venice/ Identify and describe the types of intercultural conflict, […]

Using Emotions to Sway Elections: Analyzing the Role of Emotional Appeals in American Political CampaignsUsing Emotions to Sway Elections: Analyzing the Role of Emotional Appeals in American Political Campaigns

take a current issue in the news and suggest how to conduct research on it from a theoretical perspective. What social scientific theory might best explain either the media content or the potential audience interpretation? Why? What research method would you use to study this? Why? Put simply, your research proposal should explain what you […]

Disinformation and Its Impact on International Politics: Analyzing State Strategies and Global ConsequencesDisinformation and Its Impact on International Politics: Analyzing State Strategies and Global Consequences

analyzing, formulating and critically assessing a topic related to contemporary issues/debates related to the linkage between media, global communication and international relations, and contextualize your discussion by using relevant theories both from the fields of International Relations and of Communication. The selection of the topic needs to be done after conducting thorough research on issues/debates […]