Discipline: Communications and Media

Write an influencer brief for a Social Media Strategic Communication Graduate CourseWrite an influencer brief for a Social Media Strategic Communication Graduate Course

Write an influencer brief at least 700 words, in APA style, and incorporate in class and out of class resources:    Your company, Liberty Gum, is hiring megainfluencer Brittiana to promote the launch of its new flavor, Four Berry Explosion. Write an influencer brief where you outline your ideas and expectations for the campaign. The […]

The influence of Employee Motivation and Retention in Organizational Communication.The influence of Employee Motivation and Retention in Organizational Communication.

You will produce short literature review of 3 articles (APA, 12 pt. font, 1.5-line spacing, 3-4 pgs.) in which your will cover, cite, and explain the work/theories of scholars in the particular area you have chosen. he literature review is a summary of available research on a research question. The typed summary should adhere to APA […]

E #5: What Do You See?: Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & ProblematiE #5: What Do You See?: Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & Problemati

JE #5:  What Do You See?:  Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & Problematics *You will need to have already read the Fuchs & Qiu article and the Levine & Markowitz article and viewed the Module #5 Slidecast in order to complete this assignment. Journal Entry #5      Total Points Possible:  […]

literature review topic: How does an aggressive parental communication style affect the likelihood of children developing depression?literature review topic: How does an aggressive parental communication style affect the likelihood of children developing depression?

After researching your topic, you will write a paper reviewing the relevant literature. You will review 10-15 scholarly sources that discuss research and/or theory on your chosen topic. All sources must be peer reviewed. Don’t use popular sources. The literature review should synthesize the literature, not serially summarize each of the chosen articles/books. Remember: A […]

The Oversharer Social Observation Assignment – Requires External Sources and Personal ReflectionsThe Oversharer Social Observation Assignment – Requires External Sources and Personal Reflections

Write a 6-page max social observation paper (body of the paper) on the Oversharer topic. Since this has not yet been covered in class, referencing external sources is required, along with personal viewpoints and reflections.The Oversharer: Over a 24-hour period, dramatically increase your communication with an acquaintance you don’t know well or with a parent. Use a text-based mobile communication platform (e.g., instant messaging, text/SMS, or email) to inform them every time you do something (e.g., “Hi, I’m getting on the bus,” “Arrived in class,” “Class is boring,” “Having lunch,” “Talking with a friend”). Record their reactions and, using external sources and personal reflections, discuss the impact of this behavior.The assignment requires more than just describing the observed results; you must also include your own viewpoints and reflections. The paper should include personal reflection, guiding questions, a thesis statement, and a discussion/interpretation of the experiment, supported by external sources to back up your analysis.Format: Maximum of 6 pages (body)References: Include external sourcesDeadline: 31/10/2024 11.00am

Writing Assignment 2: Hate Speech Regulation Balancing Free Speech and Social HarmWriting Assignment 2: Hate Speech Regulation Balancing Free Speech and Social Harm

This essay will ask you to think critically about the balance between free speech and the regulation of hate speech, considering both the societal impacts and the legal principles at stake.  1. First, read and reflect on the topic of “hate speech”: Find additional readings on the FIRE website by searching for the terms  “hate speech”; https://www.thefire.org/search?keywords=hate+speech链接到外部网站。 […]

Article Review: The Era of Artificial Intelligence Deception: Unraveling the Complexities of False Realities and Emerging Threats of MisinformationArticle Review: The Era of Artificial Intelligence Deception: Unraveling the Complexities of False Realities and Emerging Threats of Misinformation

See the attached article and answer the following questions: Please use Word doc  and Provide the correct APA citation for your source. If you need help, please see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/07/ Answer the following questions in a numbered paper in two sentences to a paragraph per answer. 1. What was the purpose of the study? What were the researchers trying […]

What Do You See?: Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & ProblematicsWhat Do You See?: Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & Problematics

JE #5:  What Do You See?:  Filling in the Gaps With Regard to Pressing Communication Issues & Problematics *You will need to have already read the Fuchs & Qiu article and the Levine & Markowitz article and viewed the Module #5 Slidecast in order to complete this assignment. Answer ALL of the questions below 1) Now […]

Analyse the career section of your organization’s website. Locate, read and evaluate how three job ads socialize readers about organizational culturAnalyse the career section of your organization’s website. Locate, read and evaluate how three job ads socialize readers about organizational cultur

Analyse the career section of your organization’s website. Locate, read and evaluate how three job ads socialize readers about organizational culture. Consider language, design and images used to attract talent. Drawing upon Kramer & Dailey’s (2019) notion of socialization to explain how these texts socialize people for the culture. How is culture reflected within these texts?

The name of course:Making Digital Impact. Assignment name: Individual reflectionThe name of course:Making Digital Impact. Assignment name: Individual reflection

Please read the documents named 52687 MDI 5-minute speech, 52687 MDI 5-minute speech’PPT, and 52687 MDI 2-minute speech to complete my Assessment 2.   The document content of 52687 MDI 5-minute speech is: Introduce the app innovation solution to the public, including the scope of the problem, how the solution solves the problem, and the presentation […]