Discipline: Community and Society

Defining and stating the significance of legality from a law and society perspective.Defining and stating the significance of legality from a law and society perspective.

Using only the provided pdf’s, define and state the significance of the “Legality” in 300 +-25 words. As this is not an not essay questions, no thesis statement is required. Your responses to the short answer questions should define the Key Concept, demonstrate a solid understanding of the concept in relation to the course material, and […]

REACH: “Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health”within the south side of ChicagoREACH: “Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health”within the south side of Chicago

For this short essay, due in Module One, you will begin by exploring the program evaluation resources on the CDC website. You will then choose one program and one community from the options listed below to use in your program evaluation plan. Then, in your short essay, you will describe the program selected and the community […]

Please listen to the following Podcast from This American Life: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/293/a-little-bit-of-knowledgePlease listen to the following Podcast from This American Life: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/293/a-little-bit-of-knowledge

Please choose one of the Four Acts from the This American Life Podcast: ‘A Little Bit of Knowledge’. Please do not write on the Prologue, as you will be doing discussion post on that later in the module. Write a two paragraph response based on one of the four acts you have chosen: ‘Small Thoughts […]

Individual Assignment: Individual Research Proposal on DEIB and Professional GoalsIndividual Assignment: Individual Research Proposal on DEIB and Professional Goals

Individual Research Proposal on DEIB and Professional Goals   The final project will involve the individual student’s creating a proposal that brings together the course learning and maps out a plan for future exploration on the DEIB-related issues and the student’s major field. Recommended: consultation with faculty member in your major. (My major is Engineeing Management at […]

How have you exhibited a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice through work, service, or other extra-curricular activities, and how will your education help you continue this commitment during college and beyond?How have you exhibited a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice through work, service, or other extra-curricular activities, and how will your education help you continue this commitment during college and beyond?

Essay must be 500 to 800 words in length, and answer the question: How have you exhibited a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice through work, service, or other extra-curricular activities, and how will your education help you continue this commitment during college and beyond? A little about me: -High School Senior at […]

Virtual Meets Physical: Shaping Youth-Centric Third Places in an Era of TechnologyVirtual Meets Physical: Shaping Youth-Centric Third Places in an Era of Technology

Book proposal with introduction and 3 chapters. The introduction is 500 words. Each chapter is 500 words. The first chapter is about the design (interior design) and social dynamics of third places for youth. The second chapter is about the importance and impact of technology on youth. The third chapter is about the integration of […]

will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (criminalYou justice, economic, social, political and/or cultural) affecting Latinx groups’ portrayal in the media.will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (criminalYou justice, economic, social, political and/or cultural) affecting Latinx groups’ portrayal in the media.

—Research Paper-Latinx in Mass Media (30 pts)  will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (criminalYou justice, economic, social, political and/or cultural) affecting Latinx groups’ portrayal in the media. The movie must focus on a specific Latinx group, it MUST be different than your […]

Listening, Perception, & Communication Climate: Analyze microaggressions, listening and perception in interpersonal interactions.Listening, Perception, & Communication Climate: Analyze microaggressions, listening and perception in interpersonal interactions.

 Listening, Perception, & Communication Climate: Analyze microaggressions, listening and perception in interpersonal interactions.    Walden University (Producer). (n.d). Is it a microaggression? [Video]. Minneapolis, MN: Author. https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/EDDD/8102/CH/mm/agression/index.html Using the template answer sections #1-#7.Next, consider your own experiences or those you have observed with microaggressions. Choose one to write about in your assessment. Finally, write your responses where it […]

Project Topic Selection and Annotated Bibliography: The impact of Community Stigma on Child welfareProject Topic Selection and Annotated Bibliography: The impact of Community Stigma on Child welfare

Preparation To prepare for this assignment, complete the following: 1.    Select a topic related to the way community systems and policy impact family dynamics. This topic will be the focus of research literature you will critically analyze for the assignments in the course project. o    Use current family science literature to inform your selection. o    […]

How did growing up with a pet in your life (could be a friend’s or family member’s) impact the person you are today?How did growing up with a pet in your life (could be a friend’s or family member’s) impact the person you are today?

How did growing up with a pet in your life (could be a friend’s or family member’s) impact the person you are today? We’re looking for essays that incorporate unique ideas, personal stories, and thoughts about the how pets, in any form, have helped shape who you are today. Your essay will be judged based […]