Discipline: Community and Society

Discuss the current opportunities and challenges for active citizenship in Australia.Discuss the current opportunities and challenges for active citizenship in Australia.

Please write an essay based on the current oppurtuinies and challenges for active citizenship in australia in regards to women, womens right and under representation of women in poltics. I have made an outline and will give you sources to cite in the paper.  : Navigating Opportunities and Challenges: Women’s Active Citizenship in Contemporary Australia […]

persuasive essay -Older adults should be protected from the pressure to commit assisted suicidepersuasive essay -Older adults should be protected from the pressure to commit assisted suicide

HDF 247WI Interview Paper   OVERVIEW You will write a 4 – 5-page paper based an interview with an older adult (65+).  In the interview you will explore their understanding of some concepts related to aging and ask about some of their life experiences.   PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is for you to […]

What is your attitude towards loving relationship? Adopting the concepts you learn in the lecture, identify the personal and social factors affecting your attitude towards loving relationshipWhat is your attitude towards loving relationship? Adopting the concepts you learn in the lecture, identify the personal and social factors affecting your attitude towards loving relationship

Topic: What is your attitude towards loving relationships? Adopting the concepts you learn in the lecture, identify the personal and social factors affecting your attitude towards loving relationship Subject: individual and society 1500-1800 words Marking Criteria: -Content(70%) e.g., illustration of theories and/or concepts with relevant examples, application -Structure and organization (30%) e.g., introduction, conclusion, references, […]

What are the consequences or benefits of plastic surgery for contemporary youth? What are the ethical considerations and the potential health/image benefits? Be FOR cosmetic surgeryWhat are the consequences or benefits of plastic surgery for contemporary youth? What are the ethical considerations and the potential health/image benefits? Be FOR cosmetic surgery

https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/ethics-cosmetic-plastic-surgery-adolescents/2005-03 use this link for a reference Synthesis Question 4: Body modification has existed since the beginning of recorded history, and most of these modifications were performed for function as opposed to useless aesthetics. Although, this too was not always the case, often body modification was performed to indicate beauty and status. Today, plastic surgery […]

Title: “Breaking the Cycle: Empowering Communities to Combat Intergenerational Poverty”Title: “Breaking the Cycle: Empowering Communities to Combat Intergenerational Poverty”

This is a 5-7 page research paper on a topic related to poverty. The research paper should be written in APA format (double spaced/font size 12 Times New Roman/ minimum of 4 sources/1” margins). You should follow AACU’s Problem Solving Rubric (see attached) and include at least these 4 sections: Define Problem Identify Strategies Solutions […]

Explain how the right of publicity would apply or relate to each of the following scenarios:Explain how the right of publicity would apply or relate to each of the following scenarios:

Your company sponsors a concert, and you received images of the singer standing next to your company’s large logo. As the organization’s social media specialist, can you post them to social media? Your company would like to use images of an athlete who is heavily tattooed. How would you recommend the company license the images? […]

The Emergence of the Information Society Task: Analytical discussion of the telegraph’s social impactThe Emergence of the Information Society Task: Analytical discussion of the telegraph’s social impact

The objective of this assignment is to synthesize course material and concepts from the readings and lectures. There are 2 components to the assignment: 1. Using examples from Carey and Nye discuss how 4 examples of how the introduction of the telegraph produced and/or transformed social practices (~300 words each, ~1,200 words in total). 2. Provide a brief […]

Would you consider opening up your home Wi-Fi network to be accessed by strangers? Why or why not?Would you consider opening up your home Wi-Fi network to be accessed by strangers? Why or why not?

The Open Wireless Movement is a coalition of internet freedom advocates, companies, organizations, and technologists working to develop new wireless technologies and to inspire a movement of internet openness. We are aiming to build technologies that would make it easy for internet subscribers to portion off their wireless networks for guests and the public while […]

For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness Domestic violence Addiction ObesityFor this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness Domestic violence Addiction Obesity

For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness Domestic violence Addiction Obesity In a 2-page essay, address the following: Thoroughly explain what the sociological imagination is Thoroughly examine […]

Community Organization Written Assignment (Grandma’s House of Hope organization)Community Organization Written Assignment (Grandma’s House of Hope organization)

“Grandma’s House of Hope organization ” https://www.grandmashouseofhope.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_5WvBhBAEiwAZtCU75SouJOWocHG48LLk_X4hHe-mSZNDjBpZzenzhMvpZudRcDaUNZwYBoCbvIQAvD_BwE –my assigned organization—- Community-based organizations (CBOs), whether private, governmental, non-profit, or faith-based, serve a key function in implementing and providing healthcare services and information to individuals and diverse groups of people. This project will consist of a written assignment providing an – insightful and detailed report of a […]