Discipline: Computer science

Provide a link to a digital dashboard used for Business Intelligence. Provide details on how the digital dashboard is used and your impression of the effectiveness of the dashboard. This should take 2 to 3 pages.Provide a link to a digital dashboard used for Business Intelligence. Provide details on how the digital dashboard is used and your impression of the effectiveness of the dashboard. This should take 2 to 3 pages.

Dashboards, which display data using graphics, have become commonplace. They are used for many applications, such as showing voter turnout in different states during national elections. The first informational dashboards were used in early automobiles and featured gauges to indicate speed and mileage. Current automobile dashboards have become digital and can tell us much more […]

For Big Data, find a case study and describe the use of Big Data in that firm and provide as much detail as you can about how the system is set up as well as the benefits.For Big Data, find a case study and describe the use of Big Data in that firm and provide as much detail as you can about how the system is set up as well as the benefits.

Many firms are using Big Data to power their decision making. Here is a chance to see how firms are using Big data and how it impacts their decision making. Case Assignment For Big Data, find a case study and describe the use of Big Data in that firm and provide as much detail as […]

Discuss and prepare tables to compare the following certifications: Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP), Certified Cyber Security Forensics Analyst (CSFA)Discuss and prepare tables to compare the following certifications: Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP), Certified Cyber Security Forensics Analyst (CSFA)

Employees must be trained and kept aware of topics related to information security, not the least of which is the expected behaviors of an ethical employee. This is especially important in information security, as many employees may not have the formal technical training to understand that their behavior is unethical or even illegal. It is […]

The growing threat of identity-related cyberattacks: Insights into the threat landscapeThe growing threat of identity-related cyberattacks: Insights into the threat landscape

Carefully read the article available at CSO Online The growing threat of identity-related cyberattacks: Insights into the threat landscape | CSO Online   Based on your reading, write a one-page paper (approximately 500 words) that includes the following: Provide a summary of the article, highlighting the main points discussed by the author. Identify and explain at least […]

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Preventing Health Issues with Cutting-Edge TechnologyRevolutionizing Healthcare: Preventing Health Issues with Cutting-Edge Technology

or Case 4, you will answer the following questions using the course materials as a guide. You can also do additional research. You are hired as a research coordinator at the new hospital in town. One mission of the hospital is to work to prevent health issues by using new technologies created by health-conscious engineers. […]

The Role of Gender Bias in AI/ML Teams and Its Effect on Technological AdvancementsThe Role of Gender Bias in AI/ML Teams and Its Effect on Technological Advancements

My  research focuses on gender biases within AI/ML team dynamics and their impact on technology development. I am investigating how gender-based biases—whether unconscious or deliberate—manifest in the way AI and machine learning teams work together, and how these biases influence the design, functionality, and overall outcomes of the technologies they create. Using standpoint theory as […]

Using the types of security threats discussed in Module 2, review the trade journals, newspapers, and other sources on the Internet to discuss the prevalence of these attacks on organizations and government entities in the United States.Using the types of security threats discussed in Module 2, review the trade journals, newspapers, and other sources on the Internet to discuss the prevalence of these attacks on organizations and government entities in the United States.

Given the many security threats to information and infrastructure discussed in Module 2 you will analyze the prevalence of these threats in the United States. Analysis of each of these threats in terms of organizations and government entities is a key topic in this country, not only to secure trade secrets and operations in organizations, […]

Discrete event log analysis and anomaly detection a comparative study using real-life logsDiscrete event log analysis and anomaly detection a comparative study using real-life logs

The purpose of the thesis is to make an analysis of various methods and techniques that have been implemented in the literature (ideally to also mention and explain the characteristics of the datasets used in the literature) A relative comparison of the results presented in the literature To run the implementations of the methods (where […]

: Enhancing Tennis Community Engagement Through an Interactive Web Application: A User-centric Approach: Enhancing Tennis Community Engagement Through an Interactive Web Application: A User-centric Approach

So basically your job is basically to do the introduction section which has to be 2000 words. Also your job is to do the literature review section which is 1000 words. and finally the 850 words is on the testing section. Basically i have created a tennis website and all the features and pages are […]

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), iterative and prototyping methods, and guidelines for developmentSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC), iterative and prototyping methods, and guidelines for development

discuss modularization and program design, as these technical aspects work together to create a strong foundation for programming and design.  highlight the significance of SDLC in program development  exploring how these techniques complement each other and identifying their individual roles, you will gain insight into their collaborative benefits  discussion of iterative processes, prototyping, modularization, and […]