Discipline: Computer science

Create a Litigation Hold Notice similar to the one provided to you part 2 -uploaded docsCreate a Litigation Hold Notice similar to the one provided to you part 2 -uploaded docs

  You are the Chief Information Officer for Premier College. Recently, your college has received a notice from the Department of Education about an investigation of your college based on the state-specific testing and compliance procedures. The Department of Education has sent a Litigation Hold Notice wherein they have asked all college staff and administrators […]

Describe a problem you like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps or could be taken to identify a solution.Describe a problem you like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps or could be taken to identify a solution.

PLEASE READ IT TO THE END  I have given the problem i wished to solve and give the solution to it: The idea is : Problem: Lack of access to clean water and sanitation in disadvantaged communities, leading to health issues and social inequalities. Solution: Solar-powered, self-cleaning textile water filtration systems integrated with blockchain technology […]

a Lab Reflection NDG Ethical Hacking Lab Series: CCCCO – CySA+ Lab 01: Vulnerability Scanning, Lab 02: Web Application Scanning.a Lab Reflection NDG Ethical Hacking Lab Series: CCCCO – CySA+ Lab 01: Vulnerability Scanning, Lab 02: Web Application Scanning.

 Submit the following in a Word document: 1. Submit a Lab Reflection (In your own words). Four paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Describes the purpose of the lab. Paragraph 2: Discusses how the topic in this lab would be used in a real-world environment.Paragraph 3: Describe how the lab went for you, including any problems you may have experienced. […]

Describe the major components of a desktop or laptop personal computer that is not more than 3 years old. There should be four categories. Each category has many components. Some components, such as the CPU could have sub-components.Describe the major components of a desktop or laptop personal computer that is not more than 3 years old. There should be four categories. Each category has many components. Some components, such as the CPU could have sub-components.

ITEC625- Hands-On Assignment 1- Helpful Information   Student’s name:  ___________________   Note: This document does not contain a complete solution. You would need to elaborate within this document.   Include your name in your file name and above.   You may use this document to construct your answer, but it is only a guide. Since […]

Personal Statement for applying for master programs. The master’s program is in computer science but is designed for undergraduate students who do not major in CS.Personal Statement for applying for master programs. The master’s program is in computer science but is designed for undergraduate students who do not major in CS.

Personal Statement requirement: In two pages or less, write an essay that answers the questions below. Use specific examples where possible. Why are you interested in this program? What have you done that makes you a great candidate? How will you benefit from the program? How do you plan to contribute to the student community […]

Please read and review any current, reputable article of your choice on the following topic: Supply Chain Attacks. In your search and summary, focus specifically on how and why we are seeing growth with this type of attack.Please read and review any current, reputable article of your choice on the following topic: Supply Chain Attacks. In your search and summary, focus specifically on how and why we are seeing growth with this type of attack.

Please read and review any current, reputable article of your choice on the following topic: Supply Chain Attacks. In your search and summary, focus specifically on how and why we are seeing growth with this type of attack. APA format is required.

Pick two influential individuals from the history of computing (from Ada Lovelace to Linus Torvalds) and write a short biography and summary of their accomplishment. What motivated them? What was their major contribution? What can you learn from them?Pick two influential individuals from the history of computing (from Ada Lovelace to Linus Torvalds) and write a short biography and summary of their accomplishment. What motivated them? What was their major contribution? What can you learn from them?

Each short paper will be a 750-to-1000-word long paper exploring the issues that we considered during one of the sections of the class in more depth. make sure that every nonacademic source you use passes a basic test of reliability and quality. In other words, use critical thinking skills to evaluate all the sources that […]

Dissertation (Any topic in computer science or Information technology that are trending and emerging)Dissertation (Any topic in computer science or Information technology that are trending and emerging)

I need help with topic selection, literature review, annotated bibliography (every week), research methodology (Qualitative or quantitative), existing gap in the research, what research questions are you going to work on etc…..A minimum of 90 pages Any small plagiarism will result in severe consequences. Strictly no plagiarism…….so the topic choosen should have enough peer reviewed articles, […]

Addition to the thesis: security and privacy in the web thought browser technologyAddition to the thesis: security and privacy in the web thought browser technology

I would like to add a new 10-page chapter.  on the additions requested are as follows: 1-2 pages about DNSsec. That is the new trend and all the organizations will move towards DNSsec because DNS has many vulnerabilities like DNS poisoning.Also that for the time being DNSsec it is not commonly held because of its complexity […]

Explain the concepts of virtualization based on the business scenario. Powerpoint Presentation.Explain the concepts of virtualization based on the business scenario. Powerpoint Presentation.

In this milestone, you will explain the concepts of virtualization based on the business scenario provided. This milestone will prepare you for your Project One that is due in Module Five. If you have questions or want to share ideas about this project, please post them to the General Questions discussion. Scenario The company you […]