Discipline: Creative writing

Topic; Internet privacy rights. Balancing internet privacy rights and national securityTopic; Internet privacy rights. Balancing internet privacy rights and national security

Use the rogerial proposal to write the essay. it should answer the following questions accordingly.  Section 1: Introduction What is the problem your proposal is responding to?  What event will you choose to help illustrate this problem?  Who or what is to blame? Why is this problem so complex?  4a. What fallac(ies) should you be […]

Creative Voices: Environmental Advocates, Social Justice Champions, or Voices of ResistanceCreative Voices: Environmental Advocates, Social Justice Champions, or Voices of Resistance

Consider the roles played by creative writers as advocates, witnesses, organizers, eco-champions, and defenders of marginalized communities.  At the intersections of environmental, social, racial, and gender justice, these writers, poets, and musicians bring light to relevant themes in their work, readings, awards, contests, and public protest.  From the early Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau in Walden to Rachel Carson‘s Silent […]

write an 1800 word essay in third person in response to “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Make an argument about one element of the creative work. Use three books or journals that agree with your argument.write an 1800 word essay in third person in response to “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Make an argument about one element of the creative work. Use three books or journals that agree with your argument.

The final essay is a response to A Good Man is Hard to Find.  In the old days this is how argument was most often taught.  Students would read literature and make an argument about some element of the creative work.  This is what I want you to do.  This will involve some opinion you hold […]

Science Fiction Narrative: Encounter with Cultural Change or Cultural DifferenceScience Fiction Narrative: Encounter with Cultural Change or Cultural Difference

Science Fiction Narrative: Encounter with Cultural Change or Cultural Difference In this assignment, students will create an original work that 1) stages an encounter across cultural difference or cultural change and 2) guides the reader/viewer/listener on how to interpret this encounter or trains them to perceive the ways in which the encounter matters/is meaningful. This […]

Create and answer TWO meaningful questions about the novel. These should not be yes or no questions, but how or why questions. Answers should cite text evidence including page number. About the book Monster by Walter Dean MysersCreate and answer TWO meaningful questions about the novel. These should not be yes or no questions, but how or why questions. Answers should cite text evidence including page number. About the book Monster by Walter Dean Mysers

Create and answer TWO meaningful questions about the novel. These should not be yes or no questions, but how or why questions. Answers should cite text evidence including page number. About the book Monster by Walter Dean Mysers 

two people who are attracted to one another but are prevented from uniting due to social norms or related personal conflictstwo people who are attracted to one another but are prevented from uniting due to social norms or related personal conflicts

In this task, you will write a fictional or nonfiction narrative of about 750 to 1000 words on a theme that is present in some of the selections from Victorian literature that you read in this unit. Below are a few themes involving difficult childhood circumstances and ill-fated love, both of which figured in this unit’s […]

Research paper about the future of electric cars ( I have the research proposal)Research paper about the future of electric cars ( I have the research proposal)

produce a final product that uses a range of sources—at least five in total make writing/composing choices in alignment with stated intentions (purpose and audience) and in ways that demonstrate consideration of genre/mode of choice Please, I need at least 3 graphs to show some statistics  I need some quotes at least 2 but make them effective Before going through the order I might need […]

look at an article or issue that you feel passionate about and present both sides of the argument.look at an article or issue that you feel passionate about and present both sides of the argument.

For this paper, you are tasked with writing an essay that is 1500 words. Please look at an article or issue that you feel passionate about and present both sides of the argument. When composing this essay you must have a clear thesis statement that demonstrates what side of the argument that you stand on. […]

Fight or Flight & Talking it Through: Managing Problems, Stress, & RelationshipsFight or Flight & Talking it Through: Managing Problems, Stress, & Relationships

Discussion Topic You are learning the importance of stress management this week. The focus is on self-improvement—including building a support system, working on self-care, and resolving issues to reduce stress. In this discussion, you will unpack problem-solving strategies, explore how you approach challenges in school, and, ultimately, deal with undue stress. Part of your challenge […]

My job in this paper is to argue that choosing a career path as a registered nurse is the right one to pursue. My thesis for this paper should be: “Because of the nature of the job, being a registered nurse is the right career for me to pursue.My job in this paper is to argue that choosing a career path as a registered nurse is the right one to pursue. My thesis for this paper should be: “Because of the nature of the job, being a registered nurse is the right career for me to pursue.

Choose a career or professional job to research that corresponds to your particular program and write a full 4-5 page paper using research from secondary sources on that career. An additional page will be the Works Cited page.  You must include at least one source from a government website and one from the Library Database. […]