Discipline: Criminal justice

Should prisons focus on punishment, rehabilitation, or both? Using American Penology, discuss their utopian origins, failure over time, and key historical shifts like the “Nothing Works” doctrine.Should prisons focus on punishment, rehabilitation, or both? Using American Penology, discuss their utopian origins, failure over time, and key historical shifts like the “Nothing Works” doctrine.

In its origins, the penitentiary was a place of penance, of reform, and therefore of silence and work. By the Progressive era, the idea was to rehabilitate not reform prisoners. We still struggle with these issues today. The neoconservative reaction to Penal Modernism is sometimes called “Nothing Works.” Prison officials today have mostly abandoned rehabilitative […]

Discussion 3: Ethics & Accountability; Community Policing Discussion 3: Ethics & Accountability; Community PolicingDiscussion 3: Ethics & Accountability; Community Policing Discussion 3: Ethics & Accountability; Community Policing

* Prompt For this discussion, please use your knowledge of leadership to answer the following questions. Provide specific examples for each response. Use the required chapter readings, lectures, and discussion videos to respond: What role do leaders have in employee accountability and guiding ethical behavior? Provide an example (such as negligent supervision of police officers […]

Describe the technology of encryption, why and how it is used, and concerns/tensions around its use.Describe the technology of encryption, why and how it is used, and concerns/tensions around its use.

Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts. Student provided a clear and well-developed response to the question. All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. […]

rewrite Asset Forfeiture: Advanced Investigative Methodologies and Strategic Implementation in Contemporary Law Enforcement Operationsrewrite Asset Forfeiture: Advanced Investigative Methodologies and Strategic Implementation in Contemporary Law Enforcement Operations

see the new files : 041116 Asset Forfeiture Manual 2016 FINAL.pdf / 2023 US DOJ Asset Forfeiture Manual.pdf \ AF_CHIII.pdf \ AFM_Ch3_REV-2018.pdf \ Panel 6 ppt Corral.pptx Below are suggested instructions for improving your paper, “Strategic Asset Forfeiture in Riverside County: Disrupting Criminal Enterprises,” by integrating key insights and applicable legal references from the uploaded […]

rewrite Asset Forfeiture: Advanced Investigative Methodologies and Strategic Implementation in Contemporary Law Enforcement Operationsrewrite Asset Forfeiture: Advanced Investigative Methodologies and Strategic Implementation in Contemporary Law Enforcement Operations

see the new files : 041116 Asset Forfeiture Manual 2016 FINAL.pdf / 2023 US DOJ Asset Forfeiture Manual.pdf \ AF_CHIII.pdf \ AFM_Ch3_REV-2018.pdf \ Panel 6 ppt Corral.pptx Below are suggested instructions for improving your paper, “Strategic Asset Forfeiture in Riverside County: Disrupting Criminal Enterprises,” by integrating key insights and applicable legal references from the uploaded […]

The increasing use of body cameras in law enforcement agencies has the potential to improve transparency and accountability, but it also raises concerns regarding privacy, data security, and potential misuse.The increasing use of body cameras in law enforcement agencies has the potential to improve transparency and accountability, but it also raises concerns regarding privacy, data security, and potential misuse.

This is a bibliography and rough draft. If the assignment is done well I will send an addiotiaonl order for the final term paprer. I do not require as many pages as I listed but I added those pages to refelct the price for multiple assingments. I Included the topic and instructions for each seperate […]

Write Chapter 2 of Dissertation. “Examining the Mental Health Effects on Junior Enlisted Army Soldiers Understanding the Challenges and Providing Solutions”Write Chapter 2 of Dissertation. “Examining the Mental Health Effects on Junior Enlisted Army Soldiers Understanding the Challenges and Providing Solutions”

Write Chapter 2 of Dissertation. Follow the template provided Follow the rubric provided Both the rubric and the template is the exact criteria my Chair and my SME are using to grade Chapter 2 so just follow along exactly what it ask to provide. I had a 45 minute meeting with my chair and they […]

An Examination on the Effectiveness of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program on Sexual Assault Prevention in the MilitaryAn Examination on the Effectiveness of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program on Sexual Assault Prevention in the Military

You will then write literature review from peer-reviewed journals that are related to your research topic. This assignment requires you to write by following the APA formatting style (https://apastyle.apa.org/). The literature review will need to include the following categories: • Title of the study – the title is a single sentence (in general) stating what […]

“TACTICAL: Transitioning to Advanced Covert Tesla Integration for Cost-efficiency and Law Enforcement”“TACTICAL: Transitioning to Advanced Covert Tesla Integration for Cost-efficiency and Law Enforcement”

see instructions.docx and Tesla.docx Master’s-Level Research Proposal Ghostwriting Assignment Instructions Title: “TACTICAL: Transitioning to Advanced Covert Tesla Integration for Cost-efficiency and Law Enforcement” Assignment Overview Objective: Write a 6-page Master’s-level research proposal evaluating the feasibility of replacing traditional undercover law enforcement rental vehicles with Tesla electric vehicles (EVs) in the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD). […]

A paper on an Emerging Issue or Challenges pertaining to organization and/or administration of criminal justice organizationsA paper on an Emerging Issue or Challenges pertaining to organization and/or administration of criminal justice organizations

Write a paper that fully explores, explains, and expands on the emerging discourse related to your choicein a topic related to criminal justice organizations and/or administration topics.Expectation for the Paper: Write a ten-page paper with a minimum of ten (10) references – the majority ofthese sources must be from current (within 5 years), peer reviewed, […]