Discipline: Criminal justice

Police Accountability and Reform Examining the effectiveness of measures like body cameras and community poliPolice Accountability and Reform Examining the effectiveness of measures like body cameras and community poli

writer will have to log in to my student portal to use library website (sources must come from the website) sources must not be more than 5 years old. writer must use 3-5 sources. writer will write a strong research paper with introduction and conclusion on Police Accountability and Reform Examining the effectiveness of measures like […]

Reaction Paper on the Criminal Justice System. Based on the book Picking Cotton: Our memoir of injustice and redemption and the textbook Introduction to criminal justice: Practice and process by Peak and Harold.Reaction Paper on the Criminal Justice System. Based on the book Picking Cotton: Our memoir of injustice and redemption and the textbook Introduction to criminal justice: Practice and process by Peak and Harold.

In this paper, you will articulate your personal response and experiences while also conducting a thorough analysis of the book Picking Cotton and other course materials. You will go beyond summarizing the content and specifically compare and contrast what you learned through the Peak and Herold (2024) textbook and video lectures with how it was practiced in […]

George W. Bush was able to choose and nominate two (John Roberts and Samuel Alito)George W. Bush was able to choose and nominate two (John Roberts and Samuel Alito)

All document are attach for ressources and references The decision in this case impacted the makeup of the current Supreme Court quite significantly.  George W. Bush was able to choose and nominate two (John Roberts and Samuel Alito) Supreme Court Justices during his time as President.  Both Roberts and Alito are very conservative Justices.  The […]

For this Project, you are to assume the role as Commander of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of a large police department.For this Project, you are to assume the role as Commander of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of a large police department.

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.  For this Project, you are to assume the role as Commander of the Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of a large police department. Recently, you were approached by another department’s Chief (located in Maryland) that has received criticism for its handling of several sexual assault […]

A comparison of Restorative Justice policies and practices between two CountriesA comparison of Restorative Justice policies and practices between two Countries

You are to write a 1,000 to 1,500-word essay using the 5-paragraph format and APA. The essay should compare Restorative Justice policies and practices between the United States and one other country (except Canada). It is expected that you will use both course textbooks and outside resources to gather the information needed to complete this […]

The concept of marital dependency and its relationship to intimate partner abuseThe concept of marital dependency and its relationship to intimate partner abuse

Minimum of 12 to a maximum of 15 double-spaced pages, using Times New Roman 12-point font, not including the title page or reference pages. Write a paper discussing the concept of marital dependency and its relationship to intimate partner abuse. You are expected to conduct a literature review for this assignment, and your paper must […]

In an infographic, define sit-lie laws, identify the relevant arguments for and against, and identify potential alternatives to such laws.In an infographic, define sit-lie laws, identify the relevant arguments for and against, and identify potential alternatives to such laws.

Evaluate the effectiveness of sit-lie laws within the U.S. and identify the relevant arguments for and against such laws.  This assignment must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition. Please refer to the written assignment rubric on the start here tab for this paper   Do not use a template, you must create your own infographic […]

In an inforgraphic identify a problem, challenge, or potential obstacle you view with varying ages of legal consent.In an inforgraphic identify a problem, challenge, or potential obstacle you view with varying ages of legal consent.

The age of legal consent varies from state to state in the U.S. and is most commonly sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen.  Identify a problem, challenge, or potential obstacle you view with varying ages of legal consent.  Then, evaluate the potential causes needed to produce or sustain the identified problem, challenge, or potential obstacle. In an […]

Students For Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (PFHC) caseStudents For Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (PFHC) case

Instructions Please click on the “Module 3 Assignment” for the attachments that need to be read for this assignment.  You will also submit your answer within this area. Read the Students For Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (PFHC) case attachments.  This case was decided in 2023 with the Supreme Court. […]

An individual should not be obligated to carry out the mission of the organization they represent if their personal convictions or beliefs conflict with that mission.An individual should not be obligated to carry out the mission of the organization they represent if their personal convictions or beliefs conflict with that mission.

Review the “Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk, Held in Contempt and Ordered to Jail” article about court clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kentucky-clerk-kim-davis-held-contempt-court-n421126 Then, review Duties of Elected County Officials (Revised September 2023) (pp. 53-54), which contains the job description for a Kentucky county clerk. (Attached) Take one of the following two positions: […]