Discipline: Criminology

Using one or more examples, critically analyse the extent to which gender constructions, expectations, and reinforcement alter discursive understanding of crime and punishment.Using one or more examples, critically analyse the extent to which gender constructions, expectations, and reinforcement alter discursive understanding of crime and punishment.

could you proof read the points made for the question ‘Using one or more examples, critically analyse the extent to which gender constructions, expectations, and reinforcement alter discursive understanding of crime and punishment’.  and add some more evidence/refrence to back up the points made. inclide the refrence you inlcude in APA7 format.   

Stress in America: Leveraging Employee Mental Health & Wellness Programs for a Better Workplace – 407Stress in America: Leveraging Employee Mental Health & Wellness Programs for a Better Workplace – 407

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Stress in America: Leveraging Employee Mental Health & Wellness Programs for a Better Workplace   Although interest in employee mental health and wellness programs is not new, it has come to dominate the organizational landscape just recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, at no time in […]

How does the way men are socialized make it more difficult for them to cope with being a victim of intimate partner violence?How does the way men are socialized make it more difficult for them to cope with being a victim of intimate partner violence?

1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. 2. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc. 3. Student demonstrated an understanding of course content and key concepts, as discussed in the text. 4. Student was able to examine, assess, evaluate, and/or analyze course content and key concepts. 5. Student provided a clear […]

Critically assess whether feminism and victimology are conducive to one another and where this takes us in understanding women in society.Critically assess whether feminism and victimology are conducive to one another and where this takes us in understanding women in society.

Your essay must demonstrate a critical awareness of the question.** i.e. it must not simply describe – but it should detail the key debates within the area in a critical and analytical way. **Your essay must show your ability to evaluate the work drawn on in your arguments.** i.e. you must not simply put forth […]

Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Vulnerability Identification and Vulnerability Assessment SectionsFinal Project Milestone Two: Draft of Vulnerability Identification and Vulnerability Assessment Sections

Final Project Milestone Two: Draft of Vulnerability Identification and Vulnerability Assessment Sections Milestone One is uploaded to follow example Required Resources Textbook: Understanding, Assessing, and Responding to Terrorism, Chapter 8 (Section 8.5)  Consider the following questions as you read: What factors should you consider when examining vulnerability? Threat actor accessibility is a key factor in vulnerability assessment. […]

assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).

Assessment requires students to create a news media artefact (eg written newspaper report or digitized newspaper report) (1000-word equivalent) and an accompanied written rationale (500-word equivalent).  Specifically, students are required to select from a range of crime news stories and rewrite the news story from a critical criminological perspective. In doing so, students will be […]

pick an original example of state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study.pick an original example of state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study.

Pick an original example of a state or state-corporate crime, and comment on four aspects relating to your chosen case study. Definitions: Which of the definitions of state crime discussed in the module does your case fall under? Causes: What are the causes of the case you have chosen? Culpability of Different Actors/Organisations: Who is […]

At a domestic violence incident, what are the factors a police officer considers to determine the primary physical aggressor? Describe the purpose of a protection order.At a domestic violence incident, what are the factors a police officer considers to determine the primary physical aggressor? Describe the purpose of a protection order.

Question:At a domestic violence incident, what are the factors a police officer considers to determine the primary physical aggressor? Describe the purpose of a protection order. APA Style, No plagiarism, check for spelling and grammar errors. Reference the main textbook below and 2 more sources. Thank you.  Textbook (S) Criminal Investigation Michael D. Lyman, 2018 […]

Describe three ways law enforcement agencies use electronic technology to conduct surveillance and investigate criminal activity.Describe three ways law enforcement agencies use electronic technology to conduct surveillance and investigate criminal activity.

This is the Question. Describe three ways law enforcement agencies use electronic technology to conduct surveillance and investigate criminal activity. Please use APA style. Free of plagiarism. APA style. Reference text book below. Also 2 other sources. Textbook (S) Criminal Investigation Michael D. Lyman, 2018 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-54868-5

History of race and ethics relations and the relationship between race and domestic terrorismHistory of race and ethics relations and the relationship between race and domestic terrorism

CMJ 4306-21.01.01-3B24-S1, Race and Ethnic Relations   In the previous units, we have discussed some history as it relates to race and ethnic relations as well as the relationship between race and domestic terrorism. In this essay, you will explore this in more detail. First, discuss the history of women and minorities in law enforcement. […]