The goal of this assignment is to exercise your ability to argue your analysis. This assists in synthesizing various theories and will give you practice for your thesis defense. This is more about how to think through your concepts/theories in practical and flexible ways. Your midterm consists of a written portion of your presentation, conference […]
Discipline: Cultural studies
Socioeconomic Factors in Professional Sports: Explaining the Disparity Between Hockey and American Football Players’ BackgroundsSocioeconomic Factors in Professional Sports: Explaining the Disparity Between Hockey and American Football Players’ Backgrounds
Please answer the following question in 600-1000 words (excluding references). Remember that you must cite and use three sources from the class reading list – these can be either required or ‘optional’ readings. Use any known citation style (APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA), as long as it is coherent and consistent throughout. Q: Fewer professional hockey players come from […]
Can a foreign cuisine consumed outside of its context ever be ‘authentic’? Discuss.Can a foreign cuisine consumed outside of its context ever be ‘authentic’? Discuss.
Hello there this essay is more about ” Can authenticity and real traditional essence of a culture, ever really smell, taste, feel like real in a different country?” The class is about Japan and its cultural heritage and culture as a study so just to make sure include japanese culture in foreign countries. IMPORTANT = […]
How do the methods of maintaining influence over followers in independent cults compare to those used by cult-like factions within established political systems?How do the methods of maintaining influence over followers in independent cults compare to those used by cult-like factions within established political systems?
Research and write an argument-driven research paper for a scholarly audience that explores and answers the project question articulated in my research prospectus (I’m gonna attach to the order). Major Requirements In addition to all the usual requirements of an argument-driven piece of writing (effective integration of evidence via quote and paraphrase, building toward a […]
Discrimination in librarian training toward African Americans and refusal of library services in African American communitiesDiscrimination in librarian training toward African Americans and refusal of library services in African American communities
This assignment will give you an opportunity to begin thinking about your final paper for the course. You will identify a topic of interest from the readings and conduct preliminary research to identify academic resources that you will engage in this paper. For this assignment you need to list ten sources (more or less) and […]
The intersection of Nativism, Racial tropes, and colorism and their interactions with Institutional and Structural RacismThe intersection of Nativism, Racial tropes, and colorism and their interactions with Institutional and Structural Racism
In Units 1-5 we’ve discussed how and why we define various terms that affect the way race is formed and received. In particular, we focused on the distinctions between Institutional, Structural, and Personal Racisms. For this assignment you submit a 1500 word paper that explores, analyzes, and discusses the intersection of nativism, racial tropes, and […]
comparing Culture Project: Cultural Variations in Relationships Assignment of Elements of Intercultural Communication Coursecomparing Culture Project: Cultural Variations in Relationships Assignment of Elements of Intercultural Communication Course
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate friendship and relationship differences in a specific culture, compared to your own culture. Choose a country, international region or cultural group that you are interested in studying. Then research multiple sources for your information, using the following questions about relationships in the culture as a guide. Utilize […]
How have digital platforms transformed African American cultural expressions and social movements?How have digital platforms transformed African American cultural expressions and social movements?
Craft a 4 page paper about my project, use my sources provided. Topic: The Evolution of African American Culture in the Digital Age Question: How have digital platforms transformed African American cultural expressions and social movements? Topic Description: My project explores the changes in American culture brought about by the digital era specifically focusing on […]
Response Essay: Deconstructing “The Feminine” in Western Philosophy: Butler’s Critique and ReconstructionResponse Essay: Deconstructing “The Feminine” in Western Philosophy: Butler’s Critique and Reconstruction
1000-1250 words. Over the course of the semester, the six theorists we will be studying in our seminar: Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Foucault, Said, and Butler. critically respond to one key concept or issue that is central to the theoretical perspective of the thinker you chose to respond to.You must identify your specific topic There is […]
In looking at contemporary India since independence in 1947, would you argue that historical religious practices or the experience of British imperialism has been more important in shaping modern India?In looking at contemporary India since independence in 1947, would you argue that historical religious practices or the experience of British imperialism has been more important in shaping modern India?
using the textbook Modern India A very short introduction by craig jeffrey and The Passenger (for explorers of the world) in India get 11 total quotes for the essay, i need it well written and no outside sorces at all and no plagirism and no ai use. I need it done quick and i need […]