-Please share your thoughts on Rodriguez’s perspectives from the Prologue for only Chapter 1-3. -Reminder please do not summarize the reading, I am most interested in your thoughts about the reading. *You can find the book online pdf. * Next week I will hire you again for the same assignment but for chapter 4-6
Discipline: Cultural studies
Choose, compare, and contrast two (2) main cultural differences between a ‘typical’ resident in Hong Kong and a ‘typical’ resident in Russia in the 21st century.Choose, compare, and contrast two (2) main cultural differences between a ‘typical’ resident in Hong Kong and a ‘typical’ resident in Russia in the 21st century.
Choose, compare, and contrast two (2) main cultural differences between a ‘typical’ resident in Hong Kong and a ‘typical’ resident in Russia in the 21st century. For each cultural difference that you have chosen to discuss, explain it using differences in physical geography and history. • Cultural differences refer to broader and more underlying differences. […]
Exploring Intercultural Communication Amidst Racial Tensions: Los Angeles Uprising of 1992Exploring Intercultural Communication Amidst Racial Tensions: Los Angeles Uprising of 1992
Title: Exploring Intercultural Communication Amidst Racial Tensions: Los Angeles Uprising of 1992 “Let It Fall” Docu-film: https://www.vudu.com/content/browse/details/Let-It-Fall-Los-Angeles-1982-1992/864119 Prompt: In this college-level intercultural communication course, your assignment is to critically analyze the racial tensions that unfolded during the Los Angeles Uprising of 1992. Focusing on the complex dynamics between African Americans, the Korean community, and a predominantly […]
A 2000 word individ self reflective commentary on the role of a curator on a group exhibitionA 2000 word individ self reflective commentary on the role of a curator on a group exhibition
Module Events and Festivals : From Concept to Realisation Level 6 A 2,000-word Individual Self-Reflective Commentary, critically reviewing your event and reflecting on its strengths and challenges. Please note this should be done individually, and that you will be given an individual mark for it. Since this is a critical reflection, you are expected to […]
How would you define an “authentic self”? What agents of socialization are reflected in an “authentic self”? How can diversity and equity exist at the same time in social organizations, like the workplace?How would you define an “authentic self”? What agents of socialization are reflected in an “authentic self”? How can diversity and equity exist at the same time in social organizations, like the workplace?
This question is particularly important in the workplace. As professionals, we are part of an organizational and professional community, but we are also individuals that come from very diverse backgrounds. How can we still be ourselves in a specific community? The TED Talk, “The Myth of Bringing Your Full Authentic Self to Work,” considers this […]
Discrimination Against Disabled People in the United States: An Examination of Challenges and Promoting InclusionDiscrimination Against Disabled People in the United States: An Examination of Challenges and Promoting Inclusion
Week 9 Assignment – Each paragraph should have minimum of 5-6 sentences. Discrimination Against Disabled People in the United States: An Examination of Challenges and Promoting Inclusion This assignment aims to analyze the discrimination faced by disabled individuals in the United States. It explores the various forms of discrimination, including societal attitudes, physical barriers, and […]
Explain various paths for repatriating employees of a corporation to the United StatesExplain various paths for repatriating employees of a corporation to the United States
Explain various paths for repatriating employees of a corporation to the United States, and focus on how to best use the talents and experience gained by the employees during their posting overseas. Be sure to address the differences between retirees, non-retained employees, and retained employees. Your recommendations must be supported by viable and current sources […]
Create a PowerPoint presentation with images that explores the tribe you chose in these 5 specific areas:Create a PowerPoint presentation with images that explores the tribe you chose in these 5 specific areas:
Instructions In Unit 1, you learned that culture is a complex term in the Humanities. Culture is a presentation of the arts and other manifestations of human achievement collectively ‘and’ culture is the collective customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Unit 1 primarily focused on the […]
What caused the Haitian Revolution? What was the impact of the Haitian revolution on the Americas? How did the Haitian revolution impact slavery in the Americas? How did it impact the USA’ internal & external policies under president Thomas Jefferson?What caused the Haitian Revolution? What was the impact of the Haitian revolution on the Americas? How did the Haitian revolution impact slavery in the Americas? How did it impact the USA’ internal & external policies under president Thomas Jefferson?
1) Must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt font and double-spaced. 2) Must not be a recap of a story you have read. 3) Must be 3 pages in length. 4) Must include your own opinion. 5) Must correlate to community issues. 6) Must have at least 4 references. 7) Must have cover […]
Describe and theorise how ecological tourism has responded to the COVID-19 pandemicDescribe and theorise how ecological tourism has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic
1. The essay length is 3,500 words. 2. The essay reading needs to be sourced ONLY from the recommended reading (attached) and or the readings referenced on the lecture slides. DO NOT include material that is not on the reading list. 3. the essay is fully based on readings given 4. the readings are listed […]