Discipline: Cyber security

Write a policy memorandum to the NSA with a single policy recommendation that you think will address a singular national security challenge for the better.Write a policy memorandum to the NSA with a single policy recommendation that you think will address a singular national security challenge for the better.

Please follow this format: Executive Summary: Summarize everything below in 2-3 paragraphs. Introduction: Why does your challenge matter? Background: Provide scope of the problem. Who, what, when, where. Assessment of current approaches: And why they might be inadequate. Proposed Policy: How are you going to fix the problem? Constituencies, Barriers, Roadblocks: What challenges might your […]

Review the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be hybridReview the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be hybrid

Review the Rules of behavior (PL-4.4) – Currently marked inherited but will be modified to be  hybrid.  1- Required to be reviewed annually by PMO 2- How do we track these reviews?  3-  Does ISSM sign a page each year stating reviewed and no changes/changes made.   (PL-4.4) 4- This includes the UAR, SAF, what other […]

Career paper on how a cybersecurity analyst field on how professionals in that career require and depend on social science research and social science principles in those careersCareer paper on how a cybersecurity analyst field on how professionals in that career require and depend on social science research and social science principles in those careers

Select a type of cybersecurity career and write a two-page paper describing how professionals in that career require and depend on social science research and social science principles in those careers.  Pay specific attention to the key concepts learned in class and demonstrate how those concepts are applied in the career you selected.   The focus […]

Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Culture: A Case Study of Miami-Dade County SchoolsComparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Culture: A Case Study of Miami-Dade County Schools

I’ll provide the official research proposal, including the literary review that I would like the context of it to remain as part of this paper. Additionally, my research methods were supposed to be through surveys and interviews, but this isnt being published, so that data can honestly be fabricated to just to get this assignment […]

The topic of the paper must be related to computer, network or information security.The topic of the paper must be related to computer, network or information security.

The paper should be about 20 pages (double spaced using font size of 12).  It should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.  The topic of the paper must be related to computer, network or information security.  You may wish to elaborate on any of the lecture topic material by research journal articles. The paper […]

Writing as a computer science professional to students about computer crime/ cybercrime.Writing as a computer science professional to students about computer crime/ cybercrime.

The second paper should be at least 4 pages long, double spaced, MLA format, include page numbers. “4 pages long” means 4 pages of your own writing. References do not count towards the 4 pages. For example if you write 3 pagesthen have half a page of references that counts as 3 pages of writing. […]

Understanding Digital Crime: 1. Describe some of the most common forms of digital crime. 2. What gaps exist in our understanding of digital crime? What can be done to address these gaps?Understanding Digital Crime: 1. Describe some of the most common forms of digital crime. 2. What gaps exist in our understanding of digital crime? What can be done to address these gaps?

1. Describe some of the most common forms of digital crime.   2. What gaps exist in our understanding of digital crime? What can be done to address these gaps?

Incident Response and Invest/ Project One Stepping Stone Three Guidelines and RubricIncident Response and Invest/ Project One Stepping Stone Three Guidelines and Rubric

CYB 320 Project One Stepping Stone Three Guidelines and Rubric Disaster Recovery Scenarios Overview Contingency planning is an organization’s response to a world in flux, where risks of various kinds are always present. Contingency planning, an essential part of risk management, is an overarching term for an organization’s ability to identify risks, understand the stakes […]

Incident Response and Invest/ SWOT Analysis Guidelines and Rubric CYB 320 SWOT Analysis Guidelines and RubricIncident Response and Invest/ SWOT Analysis Guidelines and Rubric CYB 320 SWOT Analysis Guidelines and Rubric

CYB 320 SWOT Analysis Guidelines and Rubric Personal Security and Home Technology Overview Performing a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is an important skill for a cybersecurity analyst because it can provide insight into planning for incident response, business continuity, and disaster recovery. This type of analysis also provides you with the foundational […]

Research paper on the book “The Snowden Operation: Inside the Greatest Intelligence Disaster” by Edward LucasResearch paper on the book “The Snowden Operation: Inside the Greatest Intelligence Disaster” by Edward Lucas

Prepare a compelling and thoughtfully researched paper based on  independent reading selection The Snowden Operation: Inside the Greatest Intelligence Disaster” by Edward Lucas Paper: single-spaced , 11-point font, 2-3 pages (not including cover, endnotes/citations, bibliography  format should contain: 1. A brief introduction on the topic you selected and researched, and why you found it of interest; […]